Category Archives: Hacker

10 Most Dangerous Hackers On Earth Ever

BY SHARAT NIK | moviesonhacking

In today’s advanced digital age, nobody knows how to store data on a piece of paper. Every aspect of our lives, important or not so important, is saved on a computer. This computer, in turn, is connected with every other computer on the planet through a complex web of networks. Security of our data on the computer is always been a raging debate with many a people trying to steal data by hacking into systems.


Hackers have existed for as long as computers themselves, whose core fundamental is to find a loophole in the computer system and exploit it to their benefit. The ultimate loser is us, the user, where our hard-earned money, passwords or personal data is extremely vulnerable. Not all hackers are bad though, some are good and try to protect us where as some are not so kind.


This list, lists down the top 10 hackers of all time who have caused the maximum amount of damage to our personal data and have raised big question marks with regards to internet and computer security.

1. Jonathan James


Jonathan James has been credited with being the first juvenile to be incarcerated for cybercime in the United States. He was aged 16, when charged with hacking into the computer systems of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, a division of the Department of Defense. He installed a backdoor into the DTRA server that allowed him access to all forms of communication in and out of the computer system and numerous usernames and passwords. He also hacked in the NASA systems and stole softwares that controlled essential life sustaining equipment on-board space ships.

James was later traced and arrested but since he was a minor, faced six months of house arrest, probation till he turned 18, made to apologise to all the departments that he hacked into and was banned from using a computer for recreational use.

In 2007, when the departmental store, TJX reported a hack into their computer system and a compromise of sensitive customer information, the Secret Service include Jonthan’s name in the list of those believed to be a part of the act. Although no evidence was found against Jonathan, he was still not dropped from the list of suspects which led him to ultimately kill himself in 2008. His suicide is believed to be caused due to tall the mental pressure he was being made to undertake for a crime he believed he was never involved in.

2. Kevin ‘Dark Dante’ Poulsen


Kevin Poulsen has two attributes that make him stand out from the rest of the hackers. He was the first American who was made to serve an internet and computer ban after being released from prison and was had gained a specialty in hacking only through telephone lines. He first gained attention when he hacked into an L.A. radio network so that he could be the 102nd caller and would win a new Porsche. He had also reactivated all old Yellow Page escort service phone numbers so that his friend could operate a virtual escort service. When his name once came up in a TV show called Unsolved Mysteries, the 1-800 numbers of the TV station mysteriously crashed.

After being released from Prison, Kevin decided to put away his past and instead became a journalist. He is currently the senior editor for Wired News and his most notable article is where he managed to obtain a list of sex offenders from MySpace. His article led to one arrest.

3. Nashon Even-Chaim

Also known as Phoenix, Nashon Even-Chaim is known to be one of the most skilled and arrogant hackers within a group of hackers called ‘The Realm’ which was based out of Melbourne, Australia. Nashon’s investigation was centered around undercover police investigation and informants due to an undeveloped cybercrime wing within Australia in the 1980’s. His arrest was the first in the world where remote data intercept was used in order to gain evidence for a computer crime prosecution.

Nashon’s prime targets during his active years was the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, University of California, Berkley, NASA, Execucom, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of Wisconsin-Madison and Purdue University. After release, Nashon is now chasing a career of music and declines to interact with the press and media.

4. Adrian Lamo


Many hackers do what they do to earn money and fame and are hence known as ‘Black Hat’ hackers where as those who do it to improve internet security and to prevent the Black Hats from entering are called ‘White Hat’ hackers. Adrian Lamo, on the other hand, has been known as a ‘Grey Hat’ hacker since he has done work for either side.

He first gained attention when he managed to hack into the systems of many high-profile companies such as Yahoo, Microsoft, The New York Times and many others. When Lamo was arrested for breaking into their systems unauthorized, he claimed that he has done these companies a favor by highlighting the loopholes in their system and has actually saved them a lot of money. Lamo serving a 6-month detention term and was made to paid $65,000 in fine for his acts.

In 2009, Lamo once again came in the news for his alleged role in Wikileaks and his role in helping donate sensitive material to the website. Lamo later uncovered the role of a U.S. Soldier PFC Bradley Manning who has been misusing his role to collect classified data and selling it to Wikileaks. Adrian has claimed he has done so because many lives were in danger since Manning was active on-duty when he did this. Lamo has ever since been keeping a low profile and fears for his life after the Manning episode.

5. Kevin Mitnick


We often watch movies showing hackers doing insane things on their computers, law enforcement agencies chasing them down and the news media covering every bit of it. Kevin Mitnick’s story is quite similar to any Hollywood Hacking Movie. At the time of his arrest, he was the most wanted person in relation to computer crimes.

His first brush with hacking came about when he learnt the concept of social engineering and learnt of a system to bypass the punch card system on the L.A. bus. At the age of 16, he hacked into various computer systems and copying softwars, an allegation for which he was charged 9 years later in 1988. Having made to serve twelve months in prison and three years of supervised release, Mitnick continued to hack into various systems for which fresh charges were framed against him. Mitnick fled and was on the run for more than two and a half years using cloned cell phones to hide his location. Mitnick was finally arrested in 1995 and sent to prison for 4 years in 1999.

Mitnick’s conviction gained a lot of media coverage and controversies. His prison term was in solitary confinement after the judge was convinced that Mitnick can start a nuclear war simply by whistling into a telephone system to activate NORAD’s codes. His conviction has also been blamed by over-exaggeration by the media on his capabilities and misinformation of what computers are capable of doing.

After release, Mitnick now runs an IT security company called Mitnick Security Consulting LLC that helps companies prevent hackers from infiltrating their system. He is also an advisory member and on the board for many IT and security companies.

6. Albert Gonzales


The only motive for Albert Gonzales was to make money, a lot of it and really fast. Gonzales started a group of hackers called as the Shadowcrew group. There were more than 4,000 members on the website who aided in trafficking 1.5 million credit, debit and ATM card numbers. The website taught it’s users on how to sell these cards, create fake documents and a host of other things they needed to know. Gonzales avoided a jail term by spilling the beans on the Shadowcrew group and providing information of all this associates.

From mid-2005 to the ending of 2007 Gonzales managed to hack into the computer systems of the TJX group of retailers servers and steal over 45 million card details. He and his crew were able to pull it off by using unsecured wi-fi connections along U.S. Route 1. Gonzales was finally arrested in 2008 and is currently serving a prison term, which is due to end in 2025.

Albert Gonzales was known for having a lavish lifestyle, staying for days in fancy hotel rooms and throwing a $75,000 birthday party.

7. Gary McKinnon


Gary McKinnon has been labeled by the media for carrying out the biggest computer hack of all time and being one of the most dangerous computer hackers in the world. He has been credited with carrying out the biggest and most dangerous attack on the U.S. military computer servers and deleting vital information, softwares, data and files over a period of 1 year whilst sitting in London. His actions have costed the U.S. government more $70,000 for undoing whatever McKinnon had done. His act had left thousands of computers inoperable for a period of 24 hours. McKinnon argues that he carried out this activity to uncover information that the U.S. government may be hiding from the general public like technology and the likelihood of extra-terrestrial life.

Investigation against McKinnon started in the year of 2002 with the U.S. government demanding an extradition. McKinnon and his lawyers have long countered the extradition to the U.S citing the possibility of inhumane conditions in America, health grounds and stating the lack of necessity to face trial in the U.S. The debate of whether or not McKinnon should be extradited to the U.S. is still raging in the British parliament with the likelihood of his trial taking place within the UK.

8. Michael Demon Calce


Today internet security is extremely stringent and websites are extremely particular about the safety of their data and their customer information. Much of today’s stringent internet security is all due to an act that Michael Demon Calce demonstrated back in the year 2000. At the time, Yahoo! was the most popular website on the internet and was the most used search engine. Calce targeted the Yahoo! systems and shut down the service for more than an hour. He also went ahead and shut down ebay, Amazon, Dell, CNN and a host of other leading websites.

Calce was later arrested when he was found bragging about his achievements on an internet chat forum and revealed certain details that was not made public and nobody else would be aware of. Since he was a minor, the Canadian courts let him off lightly with eight months of open custody, one year of probation, a small fine and a limited access to the internet. Since the American economy took a big hit with Calce’s action, IT giants took note of the fact that an underage teenager can hack into their systems which eventually paved the way for modern security measures.

Later, Calce admitted that only the Yahoo! Infiltration was a planned one and the rest were carried out on ‘auto-pilot’ mode by the software that we was using when he left his laptop on when he left for school. Calce is today a journalist, author, consultant and speaker on the topics of internet security.

9. Jeanson James Ancheta


Jeanson James Ancheta became the first person to be charged with controlling large numbers of hijacked computers or botnets. Botnets were often used by hackers for malicious activity but Ancheta upped the game when he publicized his achievement and advertised his collection of bots on various internet chat rooms. He put up prices that he would charge people for renting out the machines and how many bots would one require to take down a certain kind of website. He supposedly hijacked more than half a million computers using botnets.

Ancheta was arrested in 2005 after a sting operation and was sentenced to a 5 year prison term, made to forfeit his car, all his profit and made to pay a fine for all the damages he caused.

10. Chad Davis


Chad Davis has been a part of one of the most high-profile prosecution of ‘cyber criminals’ in the late 20th century. Chad Davis was a part of team of hackers who started globalHell, a syndicate of hackers. Their biggest achievement was for vandalising the White House website homepage. Since Chad Davis was a minor at that time, he was not charged except for a can of beer found in his refrigerator. In retaliation to the arrest of fellow globalHell members, Davis took down the U.S. Military’s website with a message ‘globalHell will not die’ and shutting it down for four hours. Subsequently Davis was taken in custody and was sentenced to six months in prison, three years of probation a fine and forbade him from using a computer.

Upon release, Davis has been a speaker and often talks about the importance of internet security. He is now a security consultant and often advises companies on how to improvise their security against hackers.

A computer is still a machine, after all, made by humans and humans make mistakes. We might think that our emails and credit card details are safe behind multiple security layers and passwords, but nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes and it is these hackers that exploit human and computer error to their benefit and steal our valuable data. Humans are evolving and in today’s electronic world, we cannot possibly revert to the paper and pen method of data storage. There is nothing much that we can do about it except being cautious and ensuring that wherever our data is stored, it is in the hands of someone who is less likely to lose it to a bunch of money and power hungry hackers. I hope you enjoyed the post. If you know any other such hackers. Do let me know via comments.

Hacker Cantik Paling Berbahaya di Dunia!

Jane Selasa, 12 September 2017 | 16:00 WIB

Kata hacker memang cukup menakutkan bagi sebagian orang. Hacker sering dikonotasikan negatif dan dianggap sebagai seseorang yang kerjanya merusak sistem dan dicap sebagai tokoh pejahat dalam dunia cyber. Tapi kali ini saya tidak akan membahas tentang sejarah maupun pengertian hacker (lain kali akan dibahas dipostingan berikutnya). Pada postingan ini, saya hanya akan menyajikan beberapa wanita cantik yang dikenal sebagai hot & Sexy hacker. Hacker tidak hanya terdiri dari kaum adam, tercatat beberapa wanita yang dikenal dunia sebagai seorang hacker. Jika anda sebelumnya membayangkan seorang hacker berpenampilan cuek, rambut acak-acakan, berkacamata tebal, atau berpenampilan cenderung freak, pendapat anda akan segera berubah ketika melihat para hacker cantik dan seksi berikut ini:

  1. Ying Cracker | Tiongkok
  2. Joanna Rutkowska | Polandia
  3. Raven Adler
  4. Xiao Tian | Tiongkok
  5. Anna Chapman
  6. Adeanna Cooke | Amerika
  7. Kristina Vladimirovna Svechinskaya | Rusia
  8. Kim Vanvaeck a.k.a Gigabyte
  9. Parisa Tabriz
  10. Deborah Frincke
  11. Jude Milhon
  12. Natasha Grigori

Ying Cracker | Tiongkok

Ying-Cracker 6

Ying Cracker terkenal sebagai hacker paling cantik diantara hacker lainnya. Profesinya tidak hanya sebagai hacker namun juga sebagai seorang pengajar di Shanghai, China. Namun perlu anda ketahui, ia bukan mengajar pelajaran umum biasa melainkan mengajarkan masalah peretasan kepada para siswanya.

Ying-Cracker 2

Ia dikenal sebagai salah satu sosok hacker paling cantik dan mengaku sebagai seorang educator dari Shanghai, Cina. Ying kerap mengajar dasar-dasar hacking, meliputi hal-hal seperti mengubah alamat Internet Protocol (IP) atau menghapus password.

Namanya mendadak menjadi terkenal ketika sebuah postingan dari forum online “Chinese Hottie Hackers” mendapat perhatian dari gawker [target populer dalam forum] di internet dan menciptakan basis fans yang besar untuknya.

Julukan `Cracker` yang tersemat di nama belakangnya diperoleh karena ia lihai dalam merangkai kode perangkat lunak dan pandai menggunakan alat hacking sederhana untuk memecahkan suatu masalah.

Ia bahkan dengan percaya diri mematok biaya 500-5000 yuan bagi yang ingin memakai jasanya dalam memecahkan kode perangkat lunak apapun.

Ying, adalah seorang hacker cantik sekaligus seorang pengajar di Shanghai Cina. Ying dijuluki sebagai Chinese Hottie Hackers. Hacker yang satu ini memang memiliki wajah imut khas wanita asia dan kecantikan serta postur tubuh ibarat seorang model. Ying berpendapat kalau hacking merupakan sebuah keahlian yang bisa dipelajari oleh semua orang, ia banyak merilis tulisan dan mengajarkan tentang dasar hacking dan keamanan. Ying juga menawarkan kursus gratis dan software yang dibuat khusus untuk organisasi swasta dan publik yang ingin melindungi data sensitif mereka.


Joanna Rutkowska | Polandia

Joanna Rutkowska 7

Joanna Rutkowska 2

Joanna Rutkowska, Wanita ini merupakan seorang spesialis skuritas Polandia. Namanya melambung setelah ia berhasil membobol Windows Vista. Ia merupakan wanita hacker handal yang berhasil menemukan cara hacker bernama Blue Pill yang merupakan salah satu hacking menggunakan hardware virtual demi memindahkan operating system ke mesin virtual lain.

Joanna Rutkowska 6

Rutkowska adalah seorang peneliti keamanan komputer Polandia dan seorang hacker. Ia dikenal karena penelitiannya tentang tingkat keamanan rendah dan stealth malware alias malware siluman. Dirinya semakin populer setelah melakukan presentasi di konferensi Black Hat Briefings di Las Vegas pada bulan Agustus 2006.

Dalam kesempatan itu ia membeberkan serangan terhadap mekanisme perlindungan kernel Vista, yang dikenal dengan julukan teknik Blue Pill dengan menggunakan virtualisasi hardware untuk memindahkan OS ke mesin virtual.

Wanita asal Polandia ini juga telah dinobatkan sebagai `Five Hackers` oleh Majalah eWeek pada tahun 2006. Namanya sempat mencuat di beberapa media massa saat ia memberikan saran terbuka kepada Vice President Unit Teknologi Keamanan Microsoft untuk lebih memperketat keamanan pada sistem Windows Vista.

Rutkowska juga dikenal sebagai hacker elit yang merupakan pendiri layanan keamanan melalui startup Invisible Things Lab di Warsawa, Polandia.

Raven Adler


Raven-Adler-female-hackers 2

Raven merupakan seorang hacker yang telah berhasil lulus dari Sekolah Menengah Umum sejak usianya 14 tahun, dan diumurnya yang ke 18 tahun, ia telah berhasil lulus dari bangku kuliah. Raven merupakan perempuan pertama yang berhasil memberikan presentasi di DefCon Hacker’s Conference. Ia bekerja di ISP Engineer, yang memiliki keahlian dalam sekuritas dan dia juga merupakan seorang penulis buku IT yang kerap kali di undang untuk seminar masalah jaringan.

Xiao Tian | Tiongkok




Xiao Tian, mulai dikenal sejak umur 19 tahun. Xiao Tian membentuk Cn Girl Security Team, salah satu kelompok hacker khusus wanita terbesar di china. Kelompok ini memiliki anggota lebih dari 2000 orang. Tian menjadikan dirinya seorang peretas karena ingin membuktikan bahwa dunia hacker tidak hanya didominasi oleh kaum pria saja. Kiprahnya dalam dunia hacking juga tidak diragukan lagi. Raksasa search engine nomor satu di dunia, Google pun pernah merasakan serangan hebat dari Tian beserta timnya. Xiao Tian melakukan serangan terhadap sistem infrastruktur google china.

Wanita ini merupakan pendiri China Girl Security Team yang bergerak pada kelompok hacker khusus wanita terbesar di China. Anggota yang dimuat oleh hacker ini adalah lebih dari 2000 orang. Tian hadir sebagai hacker perempuan untuk membuktikan, bahwa tidak hanya pria yang mampu melakukan hal tersebut.


Anna Chapman

Anna Chapman 9

Anna Chapman

Namanya dikenal ketika ia tertangkap bersama sembilan orang lainnya pada 27 Juni 2010 di New York City, Amerika Serikat. Kala itu ia dituduh terlibat dalam jaringan mata-mata narkotika di bawah badan intelijen eksternal Federasi Rusia.

'Nebraska' Premiere - The 66th Annual Cannes Film Festival

Anna Chapman

Setelah dibekuk Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Chapman langsung mendapat predikat selebriti. Terlebih, gambar dan videonya beredar di dunia maya. Kemudian wanita yang lahir pada 23 Februari 1982 ini kembali menarik perhatian media massa pada 3 Juli 2013 ketika memalui akun Twitternya ia meminta Edward Snowden untuk menikahinya.

Edward Snowden sendiri adalah mantan karyawan Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) dan kontraktor National Security Agency (NSA) yang sempat membocorkan informasi program mata-mata rahasia NSA kepada pers.


Adeanna Cooke | Amerika

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Adeanna Cooke 2

Sebagian besar orang mengenal Adeanna Cooke sebagai model internasional yang pernah tampil di majalah dewasa Playboy. Maka tak heran jika banyak fans-nya yang belum mengetahi bahwa ia juga seorang hacker yang mapan dan programmer komputer amatir.

Hebatnya ia belajar dasar-dasar hacking sendiri dan kerap menggunakannya untuk memajukan karir modeling-nya. Ketika foto-foto syurnya digunakan secara ilegal, dengan sigap ia meng-hack sebuah website yang menunjukkan kemolekan tubuhnya tersebut dan menghapus semua foto-fotonya.

Berkat kemampuannya tersebut wanita kelahiran Amerika Serikat, 31 Desember 1988 itu dijuluki `Hacker Fairy` dan sering mendapat panggilan untuk membantu para model profesional yang sering dimanfaatkan oleh orang yang tak bertanggung jawab.


Kristina Vladimirovna Svechinskaya | Rusia

Kristina Vladimirovna Svechinskaya 8

Kristina Vladimirovna Svechinskaya 9

Mahasiswi New York University ini adalah salah satu hacker wanita yang paling populer di dunia hacking. Ia pernah membobol situs-situs keuangan dunia dengan cara mentransfer uang ke rekeningnya secara ilegal melalui jasa pengiriman atau elektronik atas nama orang lain.

Bahkan ia dituduh membobol beberapa bank di Inggris dan Amerika Serikat dalam jumlah yang sangat besar dan penggunaan paspor palsu. Svechinskaya dilaporkan telah menyerang ribuan rekening bank dan berhasil membuka setidaknya lima rekening di Bank of America dan Wachovia dengan memakai program Zeus trojan horse.

Dari hasil pencurian tersebut ia mendapatkan sekitar US$ 35 ribu dan secara keseluruhan menyebabkan kerugian sekitar US$ 3 juta. Jika terbukti bersalah, wanita seksi ini terancam hukuman 40 tahun penjara.

Itulah ke-7 hacker cantik kelas dunia yang mungkin belum pernah anda dengar namanya. Ternyata dibalik paras cantik ke tujuh hacker cantik tersebut, ternyata para wanita-wanita cantik dan cerdas tersebut memiliki keahlian untuk membobol situs-situs rahasia. Dengan semakin mudahnya media untuk belajar dunia hacking, sangat mungkin jika kedepan masih banyak hacker-hacker cantik yang akan ikut meramaikan dunia hacking di kancah dunia.


Kim Vanvaeck a.k.a Gigabyte

Kim Vanvaeck 2

Gigabyte bernama asli Kim Vanvaeck, dan dia lahir dan dibesarkan di Belgia. Dia diyakini sebagai pencipta dari sejumlah virus high-end termasuk Coconut – A , -A Sahay , dan Sharp -A . Tidak seperti virus lain yang dimaksudkan untuk mencuri informasi pribadi dalam rangka untuk mencuri uang , virus ini digunakan untuk menghancurkan informasi itu sendiri . Lembaga penegak hukum menyebut Gigabyte sebagai seorang wanita yang mencari ketenaran dalam bidang yang didominasi oleh laki-laki. Vanvaeck ditangkap di Mechelon dekat Brussels namun dibebaskan dalam waktu 24 jam dengan jaminan . Wanita cantik ini juga dituduh mencuri dan menghancurkan data pribadi dan dituntut 3 tahun penjara dan lebih dan 100.000 Euro.


Parisa Tabriz

Parisa Tabriz

Bisa dibilang Parisa Tabriz adalah whitehat hacker berhati mulia yang ingin memulihkan nama baik hacker agar tidak dipandang sebagai sesuatu yang buruk.

Parisa Tabriz sendiri sukses membuktikannya dengan bekerja sebaga Security Princess-nya Google. Dia bertugas untuk menghalau segala serangan hacker di seluruh dunia yang ditujukan kepada Google.

Deborah Frincke | Amerika

Deborah Frincke

Sama seperti Parisa Tabriz, Deborah Frincke juga bekerja untuk menjaga sistem keamanan nasional dari serangan hacker. Menariknya dia juga adalah seorang profesor bidang IT di Universitas Idaho.

Jude Milhon


Milhon was a hacker and author best known under the pseudonym St. Jude. She started her career as a computer programmer in 1967 only to later form a hacking group known as Cypherpunks. She was also a member of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility. Throughout her life she wrote several books as well as contributed to a number of magazines within both the hacking industry and the computer programming industry.

During her lifetime, she pushed against those who believed hacking was nothing more than a criminal act. She passed away in 2003 due to cancer.

Natasha Grigori


Grigori started her career as a hacker in the 1980s but she did not receive fame until the early 1990s with a bulletin-board website for amateur programmers and hackers. With this site, she helped others share, release, and hack various forms of software.

However, in the late 1990s, she founded, also known as ACPO and Anti-Child Porn Organization and started working against child-pornography. This website has become one of the biggest campaigners against online child pornography and countless hackers utilize techniques learned from Grigori to help law enforcement agencies find and prosecute distributors.

Unfortunately, Grigori died of severe illness in November 2005, but ACPO has been left behind as a viable and effective organization that continues to operate today.

Ini Dia Hacker Cantik Pembobol Rekening



Siapa sangka wanita cantik asal Rusia ini adalah seorang “Hacker” jika di lihat dari wajahnya yang cantik dan seksi pastinya setiap kita menduga bahwa Kristina Svechinskaya adalah seorang artis ataupun selebritis, namun tidak disangka dia adalah seorang ahli komputer dan sangat terkenal dengan sebutan hacker terseksi.

Disebutkan bahwa Kristina Svechinskaya mampu menggunakan software Zeus Trojan. Mahasiswi asal Rusia ini dituduh sebagai jaringan pembobol ribuan rekening bank, mencuri uang sebesar US$ 220 juta, dan menggunakan paspor palsu.

Kristina Svechinskaya sendiri adalah salah satu dari empat mahasiswa di Universitas New York yang diduga menjadi pembajak rekening sejumlah bank. Jaksa menyatakan gadis itu telah membobol lebih dari lima rekening bank dan menggunakan US$ 35 ribu dari hasil curiannya. Jika terbukti bersalah, gadis cantik ini bisa mendekam di bui selama 40 tahun.

Komplotan hacker Eropa Timur setiap bulannya bisa mencuri uang 2 juta pound sterling atau sekitar Rp26 miliar. Mereka mencuri log-in para pemilik rekening bank dengan menggunakan virus ‘Trojan horse’.

Menurut Jaksa di Manhattan, AS, Preet Bharara saat ini perampokan bank tidak lagi menggunakan senjata atau topeng. Tapi cukup dengan otak encer, internet.  Bahkan hanya perlu mengklik mouse dan secepat kejapan mata. Tetapi naas, aksi Kristina Svechinskaya terendus pihak berwajib. Wanita yang juga disebut-sebut sebagai hacker terseksi ini pun dihadapkan dengan tuntutan pencurian senilai USD 35 ribu.

Kristina Svechinskaya dituduh telah melakukan konspirasi untuk melakukan penipuan bank dan satu tuduhan atas penggunaan paspor palsu,” ujar seorang ahli dari perusahaan keamanan Sophos, Graham Cluley.

Jaksa menuding Kristina Svechinskaya telah direkrut untuk bergabung dengan organisasi yang jumlah anggotanya dari dua lusin dan memiliki kontak dengan hacker komputer dan penyedia paspor palsu.

Dunia hacking didominasi kalangan pria. Namun faktanya tidak sedikit “hackerwati” yang melakoni kegiatan underground ini. Selain Kristina Svechinskaya, ada empat hacker wanita yang eksis.

1. Ying Cracker

hacker-05-1-horzSeorang pengajar dari shanghai Cina. Dia mengajar tentang panduan dasar proses hacking, cara merubah IP address atau memanipulasi password kantor! Dia juga ahli dalam membuat software hacker.

Dalam sebuah forum yang berjudul Chinese Hottie Hackers, namanya banyak dibahas dan itu membuat popularitasnya semakin menanjak. Dalam forum tersebut juga dia mempunyai anggota fans yang cukup banyak. Disitulah awal kredibilitasnya melambung.

2. Xiao Tian

XIAO TAIN HACKERTeringat dengan kata hacker, biasanya yang terlintas di bayangan adalah seorang kutu buku dengan kaca mata tebal dengan gaya hidup yang acak-acakan. Tapi tidak berlaku untuk Xiao Tian. Dia adalah seorang hacker yang modis.Penampilan dan gaya hidupnya begitu rapi, dinamis bahkan terkesan feminim.

Ia juga tertarik sekali dengan dunia fashion, khususnya sepatu. Dalam blog nya dia sering berbagi cerita tentang tempat-tempat yang pernah dia datangi. Itulah alasan mengapa Xiao memiliki banyak fans dan followers di dunia, khususnya para pria.

Xiao Tian, mulai dikenal sejak umur 19 tahun. Setelah membentuk China Girl Security Team, salah satu kelompok hacker khusus wanita terbesar di china. Kiprahnya dalam dunia hacking juga tidak diragukan lagi. Raksasa search engine nomor satu di dunia, Google pun pernah merasakan serangan hebat dari Tian beserta timnya. Xiao Tian melakukan serangan canggih terhadap sistem infrastruktur google china. Bahkan, google akhirnya tidak tahan dan memilih untuk menarik semua layanan operasionalnya di China akibat hantaman hacker yang bertubi-tubi tersebut.

3. Joanna Rutkowska

images-horzSeorang wanita polandia yang tertarik dengan dunia hacking security. Namanya pertama kali dikenal setelah konferensi Black Hat Briefings di Las Vegas, agustus 2006. Dimana saat itu Rutkowska mempresentasikan proses serangan yang telah dia lakukan terhadap sistem keamanan windows vista. Tidak hanya itu, Rutkowska juga pernah menyerang Trusted Execution Technology dan System Management Mode milik Intel.

Awal 2007 dia membentuk Invisible Things Lab di Warsawa, Polandia. Sebuah perusahaan yang berfokus terhadap research keamanan OS juga VMM serta layanan konsultasi keamanan internet. Tahun 2010 juga Rutkowska bersama Rafal Wojtczuk membentuk Qubes, sebuah Operating System yang sangat full protect security.

Rutkowska juga pernah memberikan saran terbuka untuk Vice President of Microsoft Security Technology Unit untuk lebih memperketat sistem keamanan dalam windows vista. Waw, Rutkowska memang seorang hacker yang sangat welcome untuk diajak bekerjasama.

4. Raven Adler

4-horzSeorang wanita berpenampilan gothic yang tertarik dengan dunia internet, khususnya dunia hacking. Raven adalah wanita pertama yang pernah hadir dalam konferensi hacker DefCon. Perhatian konferens tentu saja tertuju penuh untuknya. Tapi dia mengaku tidak ingin memanfaatkan gender nya sebagai wanita untuk mendongkrak kredibilitasnya sebagai hacker. Dalam banyak kesempatan pula, dia tidak begitu senang dipanggil dengan sebutan ‘Hacker Wanita’. Dia lebih senang dipandang karena skill nya, bukan karena posisinya yang spesial sebagai seorang wanita.

5. Kristina Svechinskaya

Kristina_Svechinskaya_2-horzKristina, adalah seorang mahasiswi dari rusia yang tinggal di New York. Wanita cantik ini membuat kejahatan hacking karena mampu membuat zeur trojan yang mampu membobol banyak rekening di Internet. Sehingga dia telah mendapatkan lebih dari 3 juta dollar amerika dari aksi kejahatanya. Aksinya kemudian dapat di bongkar oleh polisi cyber dan akhirnya ia harus tinggal di dalam penjara.

Saat ini dia aktif mendesign, menguji dan mengaudit sistem detektor keamanan untuk berbagai agen-agen federal besar. Selain itu, di sela-sela kesibukanya dia juga telaten mempelajari ilmu beladiri Ryu Shorin Matsumura.