Category Archives: Bandung

7 Kafe di Bandung Ini Asyik Banget buat Nongkrong Tengah Malam

Unik, 7 Kafe di Bandung Ini Asyik Banget buat Nongkrong Tengah Malam

Kalau ingin menikmati Bandung hingga larut, cobalah sensasi nongkrong di beberapa kafe yang terdapat di Jalan Riau, Bandung. Selain menjajal atmosfernya yang “Bandung banget”, di kafe-kafe yang dikelilingi factory outlet itu memiliki konsep unik.

1. Belwish

1. Belwish

Lokasi tepatnya berada di Jalan R.E. Martadinata Nomor 189A. Saat weekend, kafe ini buka sampai pukul 00.00. Belwish merupakan salah satu kafe yang digemari anak-anak muda Bandung.

Di sana, kamu bisa ngobrol langsung dengan mereka, sekaligus menambah teman nongkrong. Yang menarik lagi, harga makanan dan minumannya tak mahal-mahal amat.

Untuk porsi berdua, cukup mengeluarkan kocek kurang lebih Rp 60 ribu. Menu yang ditawarkan umumnya yang ringan-ringan, cocok untuk teman nongkrong, seperti roti bakar dan pisang bakar. Juga kopi-kopian dan minuman lainnya.  

2. Bober

2. Bober

Nah, kalau kafe yang satu ini buka 24 jam. Suasananya asik dan klasik, layaknya kafe-kafe model awal 2000-an. Menu yang ditawarkan lebih berat, seperti seblak, sop buntut, kentang goreng, nasi goreng, dan lain-lain.

Yang juara adalah kopi-kopiannya. Biasanya tempat ini makin larut makin ramai. Apalagi kalau weekend. Banyak anak muda Bandung yang merapat ke sini karena tempatnya yang seru dan menu-menunya yang murah. Benar saja, untuk porsi berdua, cukup mengeluarkan kocek sekitar Rp 70-80 ribu.

3. UpNormal

3. UpNormal

UpNormal memang sudah ada di mana-mana. Tapi, yang paling seru rasanya menyambangi kedai yang di Jalan Riau ini. Selain karena atmosfernya yang muda banget, bersantap malam di UpNormal Jalan Riau membawa kita ke memori Bandung dari waktu ke waktu.

Ketika weekend, kedai ini buka sampai tengah malam, yakni hingga pukul 00.00. Menu yang ditawarkan pun unik-unik. Ada mi instan dengan beragam olahan dan nasi dengan penamaan menu yang tak biasa. Bangunannya cukup luas, sehingga memungkinkan banyak orang tertampung di dalam dan tak perlu lama-lama masuk waiting list.

4. Kopi Anjis

4. Kopi Anjis

Nama kafe yang buka hingga pukul 00.00 ini memang lucu. Anjis. Kedengarannya seperti luapan ekspresi anak-anak muda masa kini. Kedai Kopi Anjis cocok dipakai nongkrong karena memiliki jumlah kursi yang lumayan banyak dan terbagi atas dua lokasi, yakni indoor dan outdoor. Harga menunya amat murah.

Untuk dua orang, cuma perlu merogoh kocek kurang lebih Rp 50 ribu. Menu makanan dan minuman yang ditawarkan di kafe ini standard, ada susu, cokelat, kopi, dan lainnya. Namun ada yang unik, yakni es atau wedang peuyeum, yang dibanderol cuma Rp 13 ribu. 

5. Kopi Progo

5. Kopi Progo

Kafe yang satu ini cukup premium. Harga yang dibanderol lumayan lebih tinggi daripada kafe lainnya. Untuk dua orang, perlu merogoh kocek sekitar Rp 100 ribu. Tapi dijamin worth it banget, dengan makanan dan minuman yang disuguhkan.

Menu di kafe ini cukup bervariasi. Ada tomyam dan sejenisnya. Jadi tak melulu pengunjung harus makan roti atau kentang goreng. Tempatnya juga asyik dan yang pasti cocok untuk berlama-lama nongkrong bareng teman.

6. Paris Van Java

6. Paris Van Java

Paris Van Java bukan cuma nama tempat perbelanjaan. Di Riau-Bandung, ada pula nama kafe yang bernama demikian. Sesuai dengan namanya, Paris Van Java menawarkan tempat yang cukup premium dengan harga yang lebih mahal daripada di Kopi Progo.

Namun, makanan yang ditawarkan lebih beragam, seperti pasta, steak, juga ada paket breakfast, dan lunch. Kafe ini buka 24 jam, jadi cocok buat traveler yang hendak menghabiskan malam di Bandung tanpa tidur.

7. Kofluck

7. Kofluck

Kafe ini memang minimalis, hanya ada beberapa bangku dan meja. Meski kecil, punya banyak kelebihan. Selain harganya yang murah, yakni hanya Rp 50 ribu untuk dua orang, kafe ini buka hingga dini hari, yakni pukul 01.00 pagi. Cocok banget dijadikan tempat nongkrong untuk menunggu terang, sambil menikmati kesahajaan Bandung kala petang. 

Yuk, nongkrong asyik sambil ngopi di Bandung!

Source: idntimes

Coffee Shop di Bandung

Kopi Indonesia – Untuk Pencinta Kopi 


Tahun 2018 ini sepertinya masih akan banyak coffee shop baru yang bermunculan di Bandung. Dilihat dari trend-nya akhir tahun 2017 lalu, coffee shop yang baru lumayan beragam, tidak seperti awal-awal berkembangnya coffee shop Bandung yang kebanyakan punya style serupa: industrial style, minimalis, ruangan tembok putih dan semen dipoles halus.

Meskipun masih di awal tahun 2018, kami sudah menemukan beberapa coffee shop baru yang menarik dan punya karakter tersendiri. Seperti biasa, daftar ini akan selalu di-update sampai akhir tahun nanti. 

1. Kopi Atim

Kalau biasanya coffee shop Bandung banyak ngumpul di area-area populer seperti Dago, Jalan Progo, Jalan Riau, kali ini ada tempat ngopi bagus di area ga biasa. Berlokasi di sebuah gang yang ada di salah satu jalanan utama kota Bandung yang seringkali padat di hari biasa, Kopi Atim membawa angin segar untuk orang-orang penyuka kopi.

Lokasi: Gang Atim No.1

Jam buka: hari biasa 08:00 – 20:00, weekend 09:00 – 21:00

Harga kopi: Rp25.000


2. Hara

Waktu berkunjung ke sana, meskipun belum terlalu lama buka, sepertinya tempat ini sudah keburu populer dengan pengunjung yang kebanyakan dari Jakarta. Atau mungkin karena saat itu hari Minggu. Selain restorannya yang besar dan lumayan instagramable, kayaknya alasan lain tempat ini ramai adalah adanya boutique hotel berbentuk container yang ada di lantai atasnya. Tapi buat kami sih tetap yang jadi alasan utama adalah kopinya yang mantap dan makanannya juga sangat memuaskan.  

Lokasi: Profesor Soetami 62

Jam buka: 08:00 – 22:00, Jumat & Sabtu sampai 23:30

Harga kopi: Rp30.000


3. The Soko

Cari tempat ngopi yang ramah terhadap pengunjung yang cari minuman non-kopi? The Soko ini memang menyatakan kalau di sini tempat untuk minum kopi, teh atau coklat. Jadinya ga heran kalo menu minumannya terbagi ke dalam 3 kategori tersebut. Tempatnya enak banget buat nongkrong bareng teman-teman karena areanya cukup besar dan hawanya adem.  

Lokasi: Jalan Raya Resort Dago Pakar 19

Jam buka: 08:00 – 23:00, Jumat & Sabtu sampai midnight

Harga kopi: Rp28.000


4. Akasya Teras

Buat yang pernah ke Fashion Pasta pasti kenal dengan tempat ini. Masih dengan desain yang hampir sama, tapi dipercantik di teras dan kebunnya, tempat yang dulunya restoran otentik makanan Italia ini bertransformasi jadi Akasya Teras yang menyajikan makanan khas Indonesia dan kopi enak. Tempatnya yang semi outdoor juga bikin suasananya enak buat hang out. 

Lokasi: Jalan Resort Dago Pakar 18

Jam buka: 09:00 – 22:00, Jumat Sabtu & Minggu 08:00 – 23:00

Harga kopi: Rp25.000


5. Mr. Guan Coffee & Books

Sebuah coffee shop yang punya karakter unik dengan bangunan tua bergaya kolonial yang masih lumayan otentik, ditambah dengan furnitur yang dekorasi yang sengaja dibuat bernuansa jadul juga. Jauh dari hiruk-pikuk keramaian kota sehingga cocok banget untuk dipakai baca buku ataupun curhat bareng temen. Selain kopi dan minuman non-kopi di sini juga ada makanan ringan maupun makanan berat. 

Lokasi: Jalan Tampomas No.22

Jam buka: 09:00 – 22:00

Harga kopi: Rp25.000


6. Spadaa Koffie

Sebagai bagian dari Blue Doors, kualitas kopi yang ditawarkan di Spadaa Koffie ini tidak perlu diragukan lagi. Sayangnya mereka juga memberlakukan aturan “No Sugar on Sunday” seperti di Blue Doors. Atmosfer bangunannya cukup menyenangkan karena agak tersembunyi dari jalanan dan banyak pohon sehingga sejuk. Selain itu semua areanya juga semi outdoor. 

Lokasi: Jalan Ternate 5

Jam buka: 07:00 – 23:00 (makanan sampai 21:00)

Harga kopi: Rp30.000


7. Toby’s Estate

Dengar nama Toby’s Estate harusnya jadi jaminan bagus untuk kopi karena Toby’s Estate merupakan salah satu nama besar pemain kopi di Australia. Untuk kopinya memang ternyata tidak mengecewakan dan tergolong kelas dunia. Namun untuk makanannya masih perlu ditingkatkan lagi. Lokasinya yang di dalam sebuah mal bisa jadi positif ataupun negatif tergantung waktu kunjungan. 

Lokasi: Lobby Cai, L1, #10-11, Paskal 23

Jam buka: 08:00 – 22:00 (Jumat & Sabtu buka sampai midnight)

Harga kopi: Rp35.000


8. Wheeler’s Coffee

Satu dari beberapa coffee shop yang bernuansa bengkel. Di belakangnya memang ada bengkel mobil dan di dalam coffee shopnya dihiasi dengan dekorasi seputar peralatan bengkel. Kopinya strong dan berkualitas, ada beberapa menu makanan (tapi tidak terlalu banyak). Tempatnya lumayan enak buat nongkrong, ada bagian dalam dan luarnya. 

Lokasi: Jalan Veteran 21

Jam buka: Senin-Kamis 07:30 – 21:00, Jumat-Sabtu buka sampai 22:00

Harga kopi: Rp30.000


9. Kuro Koffee

Pertama kali dengar nama Kuro Koffee dari Sasha, pemilik Surga Makan yang juga sama-sama suka ngopi. Bentuknya yang seperti sebuah konter nyempil di pinggir supermarket memang bikin coffee shop ini tidak sepopuler coffee shop trendy lainnya di Bandung. Tapi kami suka banget suasananya dan kopinya juga enak banget. 

Lokasi: Jalan Sukaasih 1, Bandung (Di dalam Papaya Supermarket)

Jam buka: 08:00 – 21:00 (Minggu buka dari 10:30)

Harga kopi: Rp25.000


10. Diskus Cafe & Bites

Areanya memang udah keliatan banget di dekat kampus, ga heran kalau sebagian besar pengunjungnya adalah mahasiswa yang lagi ngerjain tugas atau sekedar diskus(i) bareng teman. Tapi yang pasti tempatnya enak buat kerja karena terang, desain interiornya menyenangkan dan selain kopinya enak juga ada pilihan makanan dengan harga sesuai kantong mahasiswa. 

Lokasi: Jalan Terusan Babakan Jeruk 1 No. 109-111

Jam buka: 09:30 – 22:00

Harga kopi: Rp18.000


11. Kedai Juru

Tempatnya kecil tapi seru karena banyak pernak-pernik dekorasi yang unik yang berhubungan dengan bengkel (atau lebih tepatnya tukang tambal ban). Atmosfer di sini sangat santai dan jauh dari suasana steril cafe-cafe hipster yang sebagian besar pengunjungnya datang cuma buat foto-foto. Selain kopi dan minuman non-kopi, di sini juga ada makanan dan harganya cukup murah. 

Lokasi: Jalan Ambon 9

Jam buka: 10:00 – 22:00

Harga kopi: Rp23.000


12. Sensys

Dengan semakin banyaknya kedai kopi di Bandung, semakin ketat juga persaingannya. Syarat utama sebuah coffee shop yang bagus adalah kopinya enak. Sensys berhasil memenuhi syarat tersebut. Dan satu lagi yang paling diingat dari Sensys adalah harganya yang murah. Bolehlah mampir ke sini kalau sedang ada di daerah tersebut atau lagi sekalian mau makan sate. 

Lokasi: Jalan Ambon 18

Jam buka: 08:00 – 22:00

Harga kopi: Rp20.000


13. Goutte Coffee & Tea

Coffee shop ini jadi salah satu tenant yang ada di Taman Tengah. Atmosfernya enak banget buat nongkrong santai. Cuma memang agak sepi karena banyak tenant lainnya yang tutup dan kadang jam buka coffee shop ini pun ga tepat. Pernah kami ke sana di jam buka tapi ternyata ga buka. Tidak ada makanan, cuma ada kopi manual brew dan minuman non-kopi lainnya. 

Lokasi: Jalan Wira Angun-angun (Taman Tengah)

Jam buka: 11:00 – 21:00, Jumat buka dari 13:00

Harga kopi: Rp18.000


14. Black Ground Cafe & Eatery

Coffee shop ini lokasinya ada di depan area cuci mobil, jadi bisa sekalian nunggu mobilnya dicuci sambil ngopi-ngopi. Areanya lumayan besar baik yang di dalam ruangan maupun yang di depan (smoking area). Kopinya enak dan ada banyak menu makanannya juga. Banyak meja yang enak buat dipake kerja laptopan dan yang pasti internetnya kencang. 

Lokasi: Jalan Banceuy 3

Jam buka: 08:00 – 22:00, Jumat & Sabtu 07:00 – 23:00

Harga kopi: Rp24.000


15. U&KL Tea & Coffee

Kalau cari tempat nongkrong yang sedia kopi enak, U&KL ini udah paling bener. Di sini fokusnya adalah sedia kopi enak yang harganya terjangkau. Sebagian besar area duduknya ada di depan alias smoking area. Cuma ada 1 meja di dalam dan itu pun bukan ruangan AC tertutup karena berbagi jalan masuk dengan distro yang ada di sebelahnya. 

Lokasi: Jalan Trunojoyo 4

Jam buka: 09:00 – 21:00, Jumat & Sabtu 10:00 – 22:00

Harga kopi: Rp22.000


16. Marka Coffee

Semakin banyak coffee shop yang mulai bermunculan di daerah Bandung Timur, salah satunya Marka Coffee yang menurut kami agak mirip dengan Aditi Coffee House baik dari segi lokasi maupun penampakan dari luar. Selain kopinya yang enak dan makanannya yang lumayan menarik, tempat ini populer karena lumayan instagrammable. 

Lokasi: Jalan Talaga Bodas 32

Jam buka: 08:00 – 21:00 (Sabtu sampai 22:00)

Harga kopi: Rp25.000 


17. 9/1/1 Coffee Lab

Tiap coffee shop tentunya punya alasan tersendiri kenapa bisa disukai oleh orang-orang. Ada yang karena tempatnya instagrammable, ada yang karena selain kopinya enak makanannya juga enak. Coffee shop yang satu ini sangat populer karena kopinya enak dan murah. Tempatnya sangat casual dan agak kecil, tapi atmosfernya enak dipake nongkrong. 

Lokasi: Jalan Halmahera 2

Jam buka: setiap hari 08:00 – 23:00

Harga kopi: Rp16.000


18. U Coffee

Karena bentuknya yang tampak kecil dari luar, coffee shop ini tidak terlalu mencolok dan mungkin sering terlewat. Namun kalau sudah dikunjungi ternyata tempatnya lumayan luas karena ada lantai atas dan bangunan sebelah. Selain kopinya mantap, di sini juga ada berbagai pilihan makanan dengan harga terjangkau. 

Lokasi: Jalan Lombok 10

Jam buka: 08:00 – 22:00

Harga kopi: Rp23.000


19. Lazy Lolla

Nama Lazy Lolla ini mungkin cukup terkenal karena sering dipromosikan oleh sebagian besar food blogger Bandung. Namun saat kami ke sana menurut kami ada banyak yang masih bisa diperbaiki. Makanan ataupun kopinya lumayan enak, tapi belum menunjukkan kekhasan yang bisa bikin kami mau balik lagi. 

Lokasi: Jalan Anggrek 29

Jam buka: 10:00 – 23:00

Harga kopi: Rp22.000


20. Please Please Please

Dari sekitar 2 tahun yang lalu sering dengar nama Please Please Please dan kayaknya memang tempat ini hype banget khususnya untuk para ‘Jakartans’. Meskipun ketinggalan tren, tapi harusnya tempat yang bagus akan tetap bagus untuk waktu yang lama, bukan cuma awalnya saja. Please Please Please ini bernuansa cafe yang kopi dan makanannya cukup enak, tapi tempatnya menurut kami agak kurang terang dan agak kurang maintained. 

Lokasi: Jalan Progo 37

Jam buka: 07:00 – 22:00, Jumat & Sabtu buka sampai 23:00

Harga kopi: Rp28.000


Source: pergidulu[dot]com

Note: Untuk harga ada kemungkinan sudah tidak sesuai. Harap maklum adanya.

Daftar Tempat Wisata di Bandung

Wisata Bandung dan Sekitarnya

Ref: nativeindonesia[dot]com/tempat-wisata-di-bandung/ 

  1. Farmhouse Lembang
  2. Kebun Teh Sukawana
  3. Pinisi Resto Dan Glamping Lakeside Ciwidey
  4. Curug Cinulang Cicalengka
  5. Curug Tilu Leuwi Opat Lembang
  6. Gunung Tangkuban Perahu
  7. Kawah Putih Ciwidey
  8. Danau Situ Patenggang
  9. Curug Cimahi
  10. Taman Hutan Raya Ir. H. Djuanda
  11. Situ Cisanti Bandung
  12. Maribaya Bandung
  13. Puncak Bintang
  14. Saung Angklung Udjo
  15. Museum Geologi Bandung
  16. Observatorium Bosscha
  17. Factory Outlet Rumah Mode
  18. Tebing Keraton Bandung
  19. Taman Buru Kareumbi Masigit
  20. Dusun Bambu Lembang
  21. Floating Market Lembang
  22. The Lodge Maribaya Bandung
  23. Ciwidey Valley Hot Spring Water Park
  24. Saung Angklung Udjo
  25. Trans Studio Bandung
  26. Taman Balai Kota Bandung
  27. Taman Begonia Lembang
  28. De Ranch Lembang
  29. Kampung Gajah Wonderland
  30. Jendela Alam Lembang
  31. Ranca Upas Ciwidey
  32. Dago Dream Park
  33. Orchid Forrest Cikole Lembang
  34. Jalan Braga Bandung

Sekilas tentang Bandung

  • Bandung merupakan Ibukota provinsi Jawa Barat. Kota ini selalu menarik minat wisatawan baik domestik maupun internasional dengan wisata kuliner, wisata belanja dan wisata alamnya. Tempat wisata di Bandung yang beragam banget, membuat wisatawan ngga bakal kehabisan ide tempat buat dikunjungi.
  • Itu sebabnya, kota ini jadi salah satu tujuan wisata utama di jawa barat saat liburan. Letaknya yang terbilang cukup dekat dengan Jakarta, membuatnya menjadi tempat wisata favorit warga ibukota. Hal ini juga dipermudah dengan adanya jalan tol Cipularang yang memangkas waktu tempuh Jakarta-Bandung menjadi kurang lebih 2-3 jam.
  • Transportasi menuju kota Bandung juga tidaklah sedikit, wisatawan bisa menggunakan jasa travel, kereta api maupun bis antar kota dan provinsi untuk sampai ke kota ini.

26 Tempat Wisata Di Lembang

Ref: nativeindonesia[dot]com/tempat-wisata-di-lembang/

  1. Orchid Forrest Cikole
  2. Farm House Lembang
  3. Observatorium Bosscha Lembang
  4. Floating Market Lembang
  5. Curug Cimahi / Air Terjun Pelangi
  6. Curug Tilu Leuwi Opat
  7. Maribaya Resort
  8. Taman Hutan Raya Juanda
  9. Gunung Tangkuban Perahu
  10. Dusun Bambu Lembang
  11. De’Ranch Lembang
  12. Kampung Gajah Bandung
  13. Terminal Wisata Grafika Cikole Lembang
  14. Kebun – Taman Bunga Begonia Lembang
  15. Wisata Air Panas Ciater
  16. Treetop Adventure Park Lembang – Bandung
  17. Jendela Alam Lembang
  18. Kompleks Tahu Susu Lembang
  19. Tahu Tauhid Lembang
  20. Gubug Makan Mang Engking Lembang
  21. Api Unggun Bar and Pizza Lembang
  22. The Lodge Adventure Park And Resort
  23. Kebun Teh Sukawana
  24. Imah Seniman Lembang
  25. Sindang Reret Hotel dan Resto Lembang
  26. Kopi Luwak Cikole

Sekilas Tentang Lembang

  • Lembang berada di kawasan utara Bandung. Secara administratif, Lembang ini termasuk Bandung Barat lho..tepatnya kecamatan Lembang. Hanya saja memang lebih mudah dicapai dari kota Bandung.
  • Kawasan Bandung Utara merupakan area dataran tinggi yang sudah dikenal keindahannya. Lembang merupakan area pusat keramaian di Bandung utara, sekaligus pusat wisata disini. Ketinggian rata-rata disini sekitar 1300 dpl, sehingga udaranya sejuk.

Lembang Satelite Map

Tempat Wisata Di Ciwidey

Ref: nativeindonesia[dot]com/tempat-wisata-di-ciwidey/

  1. Ciwidey Valley Hotspring Waterpark
  2. Kawah Putih
  3. Kampung Cai Ranca Upas
  4. Pinisi Resto Dan Glamping Lakeside Rancabali
  5. Situ Patenggang
  6. Barusen Hills Ciwidey
  7. Pemandian Air Panas Ciwalini
  8. Taman Kelinci Ciwidey
  9. Kawah Rengganis / Kawah Cibuni
  10. Perkebunan Teh Rancabali
  11. Glamping Di Ciwidey
  12. D Riam Riverside Resort Ciwidey
  13. Legok Kondang Lodge Ciwidey
  14. Glamping Lakeside Rancabali

Cara Menuju Ke Ciwidey

  • Jika menggunakan mobil, sekarang lebih mudah dan cepat setelah adanya Tol Soroja. Anda tinggal masuk tol, menuju ke tol soroja, dan keluar di Soreang, dekat dengan kantor Pemkab Bandung. Dari sini, tinggal mengikuti jalan ke arah Ciwidey.
  • Jika menggunakan motor, bisa melalui rute jalan kopo – Soreang – Ciwidey – Rancabali.
  • Anda juga bisa menggunakan angkutan umum, hanya saja waktu tempuhnya lebih lama. Anda bisa naik Elf atau mobil L300 dari terminal Leuwi Panjang menuju ke terminal Ciwidey. Dari sana disambung dengan angkot ke arah Rancabali.
  • Menurut pendapat saya sih, lebih direkomendasikan menggunakan kendaraan pribadi atau sewa (mobil/motor). Angkutan umum di area Rancabali – Ciwidey rada sulit, akan lebih mudah menjelajahi tempat wisata menggunakan kendaraan pribadi.

Dusun Bambu di Lembang Bandung

Wisata Bandung

Dusun Bambu di Lembang Bandung, Review Dan Harga Tiket Masuk


Jika anda berlibur ke Bandung, tak lengkap rasanya apabila tidak mengunjungi Dusun Bambu Lembang. Bertempat di ketinggian area Bandung utara, suasana sejuk dan udara segar tentunya jadi jaminan.

Dusun Bambu biasanya menjadi tempat wisata di Bandung yang wajib dikunjungi, terutama saat anda liburan ke Lembang dan sekitarnya. Letaknya tidak begitu jauh dari pusat kota Lembang. Selain itu juga berdekatan dengan tempat wisata lain, sehingga bisa anda jadikan satu paket.

Dusun Bambu Family Leisure Park Bandung

Dusun Bambu Bandung mulai dikenal publik sekitar awal tahun 2014. Dari awal beroperasi, langsung menyedot banyak pengunjung. Wajar saja sih, hal yang ditawarkan oleh tempat ini terhitung baru dan membawa suasana ‘segar’.

Dulu, tempat wisata di Lembang rasanya seperti itu-itu saja. Keberadaan Dusun Bambu membawa pilihan suasana baru bagi wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Bandung.

Mengusung konsep eco friendly, tempat wisata di Bandung ini direncakan menjadi salah satu tempat eco wisata di jawa barat.

Area dusun bambu sendiri terhitung luas, dan di tata dengan baik. Tersedia area kuliner, restoran unik, berbagai permainan, tempat menginap berupa villa dan glamping, dan juga taman terbuka yang luas. Semuanya terkonsep dengan baik.

Suka berfoto dan mengunggahnya ke sosmed? jangan khawatir. Terdapat banyak spot berfoto yang unik dan indah disini.

Sama seperti di Dream Park Dago, Floating Market, De Ranch Lembang, Maribaya resort, the Lodge Maribaya, atau Jendela Alam, tempat ini bisa anda jadikan tujuan untuk wisata keluarga di Bandung.

Hal Menarik Dan Fasilitas

Banyak hal yang bisa anda lakukan disini. Kita bisa sekedar menikmati susasana bersama pasangan, menikmati kuliner di beberapa resort dan cafe, membawa anak dan keluarga bermain bersama, ataupun berjalan santai mengitari taman yang tertata.

Dari tempat parkir menuju area utama jaraknya cukup jauh. Anda bisa berjalan menyusuri sawah dengan gazebo-gazebo istirahat, atau menggunakan shuttle yang berangkat setiap 5 menit sekali. Shuttle untuk pengunjung disediakan gratis, dan dihiasi dengan bunga warna warni.

Selain itu anda juga bisa menginap di villa yang tersedia. Mau sedikit beda? cobalah menginap di fasilitas glamping yang ada disini. 

Beberapa tempat menarik

Bersantap Di Restoran Purbasari


Restoran Purbasari berada di pinggir danau kecil. Tempat makan berupa saung-saung yang unik terletak mengelilingi danau kecil yang indah ini.

Biasanya tempat ini perlu reservasi terlebih dulu, karena penuh.

Cafe Burangrang


Cafe Burangrang tempatnya berada di sisi danau kecil juga. Dari sini anda bisa bersantap sambil menikmati suasana sekitar dari ketinggian. Rasanya pasti asyik banget kan?

Lutung Kasarung Area


Di saat awal beroperasi, area lutung kasarung bisa dikatakan menjadi spot paling favorit di Dusun Bambu. Tempat ini berupa beberapa tempat makan berbentuk sarang burung, dan ada di ketinggian. Terdapat platform tempat mengitari area dari atas pohon juga.

Tempatnya memang unik, tapi rasanya kurang nyaman untuk makan karena banyaknya orang yang berlalu lalang di paltform yang ada.

Taman Arimbi


Taman Arimbi merupakan area taman yang mengitari lokasi. Taman ini tertata rapi, dengan aliran sungai kecil ditengahnya.

Kita bisa mengitari seputar taman, mengajak sikecil bermain air di beberapa area, dan berfoto selfie di berbagai spot indah yang ada.

Pasar Khatulistiwa


Pasar khatulistiwa adalah semacam pujasera yang menyediakan banyak jenis makanan. Disini anda bisa memilih berbagai macam makanan dan minuman, dan menikmatinya di tempat-tempat yang tersedia.

Pilihan kuliner disini cukup banyak yang bisa anda pilih.

Selain tempat-tempat diatas, anda juga mempunya banyak pilihan aktivitas yang bisa dilakukan.

Datang bersama keluarga? anda bisa mengajak anak bermain di playground yang tersedia, naik perahu menyusuri danau, melukis kaos, menikmati berbagai booth permainan yang ada, menyusuri sawah dan taman, dan lain sebagainya.


Lokasi Dusun Bambu

Alamat lokasi Dusun Bambu Lembang tepatnya ada di jalan Kolonel Masturi KM 11, Cisarua, Bandung Barat. Tempatnya mudah untuk dijangkau baik dari arah Bandung ataupun dari Lembang.

Sehabis dari Dusun Bambu, kita bisa mengunjungi juga tempat lainnya di Lembang seperti air terjun pelangi yang berada tidak jauh dari sini,  De Ranch Lembang, Floating Market, dan lain sebagainya.

Jalan Menuju Dusun Bambu Bandung

Ada beberapa rute jalan menuju ke Dusun Bambu Bandung. Selain jalan utama, anda juga bisa menggunakan beberapa jalan alternatif. Ini bakal berguna banget jika anda berkunjung saat long weekend atau musim libur. Biasanya jalan utama sering macet.

  • Rute Bandung – Ledeng – Lembang – Parongpong – Lokasi. Ini merupakan rute utama dan paling mudah untuk diikuti. Anda tinggal ikuti jalan utama ke Lembang, dan belok kiri ke arah parongpong dari pertigaan sebelum kota Lembang.
  • Rute Bandung – Ledeng – Jalan Sersan Bajuri – Parongpong – Lokasi. Rute ini satu jalur dengan kampung gajah, kampung daun, dan berbagai cafe di area sini. Anda belok kiri dari pertigaan di terminal ledeng mengikuti jalan sersan bajuri.
  • Rute Cimahi – Jalan Cihanjuang – Parongpong – Lokasi.
  • Rute Cimahi – Jalan Kolonel Masturi – Lokasi.  2 Rute alternatif ini bisa anda ambil jika starting point dari area Cimahi.
  • Rute alternatif Bandung – Jalan Gegerkalong Girang – Jalan Cihanjuang – Parongpong – Lokasi.
  • Rute alternatif Bandung – Jalan Gegerkalong Girang – Ciwaruga – Parongpong – Lokasi.

Harga Tiket Masuk Dusun Bambu 2018

  • Harga tiket masuk Rp 20.000/ orang – weekend Rp 25.000
  • Mobil Rp 15.000
  • Motor Rp 10.000
  • Bus Rp 25.000
  • Mini bus Rp 25.000

Jam Buka

Jam buka dusun bambu lembang, beroperasi mulai dari pukul 09.00 – 21.000 WIB. Di hari libur buka dari jam 08.00 – 23.00 WIB.

Tapi, beberapa kali datang kesini sekitar jam 7 pagi juga sudah buka.

Peta Lokasi

Anda bisa menggunakan peta google map di bawah ini untuk menuju ke lokasi


Silahkan gunakan bantuan aplikasi google map, waze, dan sejenisnya. Panduan sampai ke lokasi cukup jelas dan mudah diikuti.

Menginap Di Dusun Bambu

Mau menginap di sini? bisa banget. Harga penginapan Dusun Bambu Bandung cukup mahal. Wajar aja sih karena tempat menginap yang disediakan juga terbilang lengkap dan lumayan ‘premium’.

Ada dua pilihan menginap yang bisa anda pilih; menginap di villa, atau menginap di area glamping yang tersedia.


Villa Kampung Layung


Area Glamping


Berikut ini adalah beberapa pertanyaan pertanyaan yang sering diberikan pengunjung. Sumber di ambil dari google review.

Q: Apakah buka setiap hari?
A: Iya, buka setiap hari.

Q: Apakah ada dan bisa pesan ojek online dari Dusun Bambu?
A: Ada, tapi sering harus nunggu lama karena driver di sekitar lokasi jarang.

Q: Jika ingin berkunjung saja tanpa makan di lokasi apakah bisa? kira-kira dimana?
A: Bisa. Untuk tempat makan selain di lokasi, ada beberapa restoran di sepanjang jalan Parongpong. Atau bisa di Lembang juga.

Q: Apakah bisa jika bawa stroller atau kursi roda?
A: Bisa. Tapi di drop langsung di lokasi karena jarak dari tempat naik angkutan di dalam dusun bambu ke lokasi cukup jauh.

Q: Jalan ke lokasi bisa masuk bis besar?
A: Bisa. Jalan cukup lebar untuk bis besar, dan parkiran luas

Q: Apakah ada tempat menginap?
A: Ada. Disini terdapat villa dan glamping (glamorous camping)

Tempat wisata di bandung yang satu ini sayang sekali untuk anda lewatkan. Bagaimana, tertarik untuk berkunjung?

Selamat berlibur!

Source: nativeindonesia[dot]com

7 Awesome Things To Do In Bandung

Wisata Bandung


Vast scenery of green plantations heading towards a surprise panorama of active volcanoes is where the heart of West Java of Indonesia can be found. The third largest city of Indonesia is Bandung. Common cold wind chill, just perfect for a stroll with a sight of green carpets of tea plantations from left to right.  It’s an easy reach between the balance of calmness of nature and unpredictable fabled crater of volcanoes.





More or less 2 hours drive from the city of Bandung going North lies an active volcano, Tangkuban Perahu. It’s a remarkable experience stepping in an active volcano, actual witness to the strong white steaming smoke that it produces. An “overturned boat” from the local’s mouth, the mountain is covered with a story of mystery and legend about a strong young man who fell in love with his own mother. Revelation of this odd and horrifying affair, the mother decided to challenge the man to build a gigantic boat in one single night. Fear of accomplishing the task, she decided to seek help from the God to bring out the sun long before the task has been completed which turns the man to madness as he kicked the boat on defeat and thus the start of the overturned boat legend.




Shopping havens at the top of the crater, rows of stores selling handicrafts, souvenirs and street food. From the scrumptious ‘Tempe’ delicacy up to the traditional bamboo instrument, the ‘Angklung’, lots of fancy things at sight for bargain! Best view on top of a live crater plus shopping opportunities, Tangkuban Perahu is truly one of the best things to do in Bandung, Indonesia!






A relaxing family leisure park at the foot of the mountain with very inspiring, sublime and truly remarkable picturesque surroundings. Gigantic bamboo structure welcomes you at the main gate and a fancy-dancy floral shuttle will bring you to the main area of the park. Along the way, you will see verdant greens with fascinating bamboo walking paths.




Perfect spot to chill, Cafe Burangrang of Dusun Bambu

Try a unique dining experience on Dusun Bambu’s hanging nests, the “Lutung Kasarung” and let the cool mountain breeze touch the warmth of your cheeks while having a satisfying meal at the tree top. Or move to a higher altitude of Cafe Burangrang, a more jaw-dropping view of the relaxing nature, the calm man-made lake and scenic view of the Burangrang mountain. A close touch with nature, sharing the sweetness of life with the family, Dusun Bambu is truly one of the best things to do in Bandung, Indonesia.




The very relaxing man-made lake view.

Dusun Bambu is located in Kolonel Masturi KM 11 Cisarua, Bandung Barat. For further info, visit their website at dusunbambu[dot]com



Spent nights in Mercure Setiabudi Hotel and their pool is definitely the grandest magical sight in Bandung. Clear water with gleaming colors, such a tranquil atmosphere as if you are staring in the milky way. Imagine yourself floating in the enchanting twinkling stars, a sweet way to end the day and truly one of the best things to do in Bandung, Indonesia.

Mercure Setiabudi Hotel is located in Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 269 – 275 Bandung 30154 – Indonesia with telephone no. (62) 22 82 00 00 00


Pool full of stars!



A distinctive dining experience, the Peak offers guests a taste of International and Indonesian cuisines. More than the perfect course meals, the restaurant is proud of their best collections of wine and cigar in Bandung. Picture-perfect view of flickering lights of the city, certainly a lovely sight. Band playing music as you savor the freshly poured glass of fine wine. The Peak is definitely one of the best places to visit in Bandung, Indonesia.

Do check out their website at thepeakresortdining for further info.




Kawah Putih or “White Crater”, a great wonder nestled 50 km South and one of the best places to visit in Bandung. Quite nippy temperature in the area, surrounded by dreamy surroundings, glaring whiteness over the landscape. A crater lake showing off its beauty both to local or foreign visitors and most definitely a glorious spot for photography, from the turquoise lake up to the dramatic skeletal trees around.




The crater lake was also said to be somewhat mysterious that according to villagers, animals, specially birds, tried to avoid the area since it caused death to some living creatures. But science has an explanation to this old story since the crater lake contains a strong concentration of sulfur which is life-threatening to these animals.

But nothing to worry on the said sulfur concentration since today, it’s safe to roam around the crater lake. It’s just the sulfur smell that might bother you so prepare yourself and bring/buy a mask.




Experience the refreshing mountain breeze as savory Sundanese cuisines are being served on your plate, such a perfect way to spend lunch, only in Sindang Reret Ciwidey. This is definitely one of the best things to do in Bandung after an exhausting walk around the crater lake. Restaurant provides visitors the serene ambiance feel and rural scenery. Sindang Reret Ciwidey, definitely one of the best restaurant in the Southern part of Bandung.




Last on our list but definitely not the least, Saung Angklung Udjo Show is the happiest place in Bandung! Even with eyes closed, just hearing the tickling blithe melodies of the Angklung will definitely put a smile on your face. Angklung is a traditional musical instrument made of bamboo.


Awe-inspiring Angklung performances from the kids, left with my mouth hanging opened on how great, serious and passionate they were about their craft. Lucky us, we were able to learn on how to play the Angklung as one of the sons of the founder taught us on how to properly shake the instrument (body shaking is a no no). And as the program ends, you get to dance with all the kids and party to the tune of the happy melodies. With no doubt, a day spent in Saung Angklung Udjo is definitely one of the best things to do in Bandung!


Special thanks to Wonderful Indonesia, Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia and the whole Indonesian staff for having us in this International Bloggers Trip – Indonesia’s Top Bucket Destinations 2015.

Source: twomonkeystravelgroup

8 Hotel di Bandung dengan Pemandangan Menakjubkan


8 Hotel di Bandung dengan Pemandangan Menakjubkan. Cocok Buat Libur Akhir Tahunan!


Tol Soroja (Soreang Pasir Koja) sudah diresmikan Presiden Joko Widodo. Artinya banyak kemudahan bagi warga Jabodetabek untuk ‘menginvasi’ Bandung ketika libur akhir tahun. Namun sering ‘kan kamu mengalami kesulitan untuk menemukan penginapan untukmu karena pada penuh semua? Berhubung mendekati akhir tahun dan waktu liburan kian dekat, Hipwee Travel mau kasih rekomendasi penginapan atau hotel di Bandung dengan pemandangan yang menakjubkan. Wah pada ngiler ‘kan? Yuk deh simak satu-satu.

Pertama, Villa Air di Lembang yang kental nuansa Jepang-nya ini cocok buat berlibur akhir tahun. Suasana tenang dan menyejukkan di Villa Air pasti bikin betah deh.

Villa Air berada di Lembang yang banyak terdapat tempat wisata seperti Kota Mini hingga D’Ranch Lembang. Jadi kamu bisa berwisata sekaligus menginap di tempat yang relatif berdekatan. Villa ini sangat apik karena mempunyai pemandangan yang khas perbukitan Lembang dan juga nuansa Jepang. Dengan bujet 1,9 juta per malam kamu bisa menginap di Villa Air yang keren abis.

Imah Seniman Villa and Resort menyajikan pemandangan yang sangat cantik. Selain tempatnya menarik, harganya pun asyik.


Nuansa tradisional yang kental cukup jadi kesan pertama yang akan kamu dapat di Imah Seniman Villa dan Resort. Selain itu ada kolam dengan bunga teratai tepat di depan kamar. Wah seru banget ya. Penginapan yang berada di Jalan Kolonel Masturi, Cikaharupan, Lembang ini relatif terjangkau di kantong. Cukup dengan 500 ribuan saja, kamu bisa menginap di sana.

Imah Seniman Villa and Resort

Glamping Lakeside Rancabali, sebuah penginapan berkonsep tenda dengan pemandangan Situ Patenggang yang memukau.


Berada di Situ Patenggang, Glamping Lakeside Rancabali menyajikan pemandangan yang menyejukkan mata. Betapa tidak, tenda-tenda yang dipakai buat menginap berada di dekat Situ Patenggang. Apalagi restorannya yang bernama Pinisi Resto berbentuk kapal dan menghadap langsung ke Situ Patenggang. Menginap di sini harganya 2 juta per malam, ya lumayan lah dengan fasilitas yang didapatkan.

Glamping Lakeside Rancabali

House Sangkuriang Dago, hotel elegan yang tetap menampilkan asrinya Bandung namun tak menghalangi akses ke pusat kota


Hotel yang satu ini sangat direkomendasikan bila kamu ingin mencari kesunyian di Bandung tapi enggan terlalu jauh dari pusat kota. Kamu bisa berenang dengan menyaksikan lebatnya pepohonan di hotel ini. Kabar baiknya, menginap semalam di sini cuma dibandrol sekitar 500 ribuan saja. Nyaman, asri dan murah ‘kan?

House Sangkuriang Dago

D’riam Riverside Resort di Ciwidey ini menyajikan pemandangan pedesaan dengan sawah-sawahnya yang menghijau. Betah deh tingal di sana…


Buat kamu yang sudah bosan dengan hiruk pikuk perkotaan, D’Riam Riverside Resort ini cocok banget buat pelarian di liburan akhir tahun. Pemandangan sawah menghijau yang berpadu dengan gemericik air akan memanjakanmu dan bikin enggan pulang. Serunya lagi kamu bisa beraktivitas outdoor seperti paintball, outbond dan lain sebagainya. Nggak sampai 500 ribu rupiah uang yang harus kamu siapkan untuk menginap di sana.

D_riam Riverside Resort

Dulang Resort di Lembang bakal menyajikan pemandangan kota Bandung di waktu malam. Cocok buat liburan bersama keluarga…


Hal apa sih yang lebih indah dibandingkan pemandangan sawah menghijau kala siang hari dan kerlip lampu kota Bandung di malam hari? Apalagi kamu bisa berenang di kolam renang yang unik dan bisa bersantai sambil dikelilingi alam yang sangat asri nan hijau. Ya, kamu bisa mendapatkan pengalaman mengesankan seperti itu di Dulang Resort, Lembang. Cukup 700 ribu saja untuk menginap semalam di sana.

Dulang Resort di Lembang

Glamping mewah di Trizara Resort bakal bikin liburan akhir tahun kamu sekeluarga tak terlupakan!


Buat kamu pecinta glamping, Trizara Resort adalah tempat yang harus kamu datangi. Glamping nggak sekedar tidur di tenda lho, tapi bisa menikmati pemandangan indah dengan suasana mewah pula. Trizara Resort juga punya kolam renang di mana Anda sekeluarga bisa bermain air sepuasnya di alam terbuka yang indah. Harga menginap di glamping mewah ini sekitar 1 juta rupiah per malam. Menarik ‘kan?

Berkemah di Legok Kondang Lodge bukan sekedar kemah biasa. Di sana kamu bisa berkemah dengan fasilitas bintang lima


Berkemah kini bisa dilakukan dengan ‘gaya’. Legok Kondang Lodge di Ciwidey ini salah satunya. Menginap di sini bagaikan menginap di alam bebas dengan berbagai fasilitas. Selain tidur di tenda, kamu bisa melakukan aktivitas luar ruangan yang memacu adrenalin seperti trekking, arung jeram, sampai paintball. Biaya menginap di tempat ini sekitar 1,2 juta rupiah dan bisa buat 4 orang. Wah kamu harus coba tahun baruan di sana ya.


12 Tempat Wisata Di Bandung Yang Keren

Original Post by kesiniaja. Written by Astri Erlina.  12 Tempat Wisata Di Bandung Yang Keren, Anti Mainstream Dan Jarang Dikunjungi. 


Mendengar kata Bandung, apa yang ada di pikiran kamu? Jika tidak Gedung Sate, Tangkuban Perahu, ya Trans Studio. Selain tiga hal di atas, tujuan orang ke Bandung pasti untuk belanja baju atau wisata kuliner. Padahal Bandung tak hanya berisi itu-itu aja lho. Banyak objek wisata di Bandung yang terkenal indah, namun jarang sekali dikunjungi. Miris banget kan? Bahkan lebih banyak orang Bandung yang pergi ke luar negeri daripada mengeksplorasi tanahnya sendiri.

Jika kamu ke Bandung, coba datang ke 11 tempat wisata ini. Meski masih sepi (pernah ramai juga dahulu), tempat ini memiliki pemandangan yang sangat indah. Bahkan tak kalah dengan Tangkuban Perahu atau kawah putih lho, yuk kita simak!

1. Memacu Adrenalin Kamu Di Trek Palintang


Suka off road dengan sepeda? wajib banget cobain trek Palintang! Palintang sebenarnya adalah nama sebuah kampung di Desa Cipanjalu, Kecamatan Cilengkrang, Bandung Timur. Kampung yang terletak sekitar 8 km di utara Ujungberung ini adalah tempat favorit bagi para penyuka sepeda gunung uphill dan offroad. Memang dikalangan pencinta olahraga sepeda off road dan uphil trek yang satu ini sudah terkenal.

Sepanjang Trek Palintang akan dikelilingi daerah perbukitan, dan pemandangan cantik yang merupakan ciri khas Bandung. Sedangkan akses jalan menuju ke Palintang yang paling mudah dari alun-alun Ujungberung via Kampung Tanjakan Panjang – Palalangon. Kondisi jalan pedesaan yang setengah rusak dan terus menanjak bahkan kadang menukik menjadi kenikmatan tersendiri pagi penggemar MTB uphill.

2. Meresapi Hari Dengan Tenang Di Situ Cileunca


Situ Cileunca, yang sepi tapi menarik bagi para pecinta alam. Bandung nggak hanya dikenal sebagai kota yang menyenangkan dengan sajian kuliner dan factory outletnya. Kota ini mempunyai banyak destinasi alam yang menyenangkan, yang juga banyak diincar para traveler yang ingin menghabiskan hari liburnya di Bandung. Salah satu wisata alam yang bisa dinikmati di dekat Bandung adalah Situ Cileunca. Destinasi yang berupa danau ini berlokasi di Kecamatan Pengalengan, Sebuah area yang berudara sejuk nan segar.

Situ Cileunca yang merupakan salah satu tempat liburan anti mainstream Bandung berada di Pengalengan. Dan bisa dicapai dengan kendaraan umum jurusan Bandung – Pengalengan dengan waktu tempuh kira – kira sekitar 2-3 jam. Atau bisa juga dengan menggunakan kendaraan sendiri dan sewaan dari kota bandung. Tiket masuk menuju Situ Cileunca sendiri sangat murah, hanya IDR 2500 untuk destinasi wisata yang begitu menyenangkan ini.

3. Berendam Air Panas Alami Di Taman Wisata Alam Maribaya


Taman Wisata Maribaya sebenarnya masih bagian dari Taman Hutan Raya Ir. H. Djuanda. Lokasi hanya berjarak 8 km dari pusat kota Bandung. Jika kamu kebetulan sedang ke Bandung, berkunjunglah ke tempat ini. Suasana alam yang masih alami, dipadu dengan pemandangan yang sangat indah akan membuat kamu bakal betah lama-lama di tempat yang memiliki air terjun setinggi 25 meter ini.

Tak berhenti di sama pesona dari Maribaya. Kmau bisa berendam dengan air panas yang keluar alami dari pusat bumi. Air panas yang mengalir deras ini dipercaya mampu menyembuhkan segala macam penyakit. Jika kamu datang ke Maribaya, berendamlah dan nikmati sensasi alam yang jauh berbeda dengan pusat bandung yang sangat ramai! Tak perlu mahal-mahal jika ingin menikmati segala kenikmatan Maribaya, tiket masuk tempat ini hanya sekitar Rp. 10.000 aja kok.

4. Yuk Liburan Seru Anti Mainstream di Tebing Gunung Hawu


Buat kamu para anak gunung atau mungkin anggota komunitas Wall Climbing, yang selalu ingin memacu adrenalin di ketinggian, yuk coba manjat tebing Gunung Hawu. Gunung Hawu terletak di kecamatan Padalarang, Bandung Barat. Padalarang memang dikenal sebagai tempat dengan gunung batu kapur yang menjulang, salah satu yang populer dikalangan anak gunung adalah Tebing Gunung Hawu.

Tebing Gunung Hawu ini berada di balik tebing Citatah 125 atau biasa disebut dengan Gunung Kapur Singgalang. Untuk mencapainya, kamu harus berjalan kaki sekitar 30 menit dari tebing Citatah.

5. Sanghyang Heuleut. Laguna Cantik Tempat Mandi Para Bidadari


Tempat ini dulu sempat dikeramatkan oleh warga sekitar. Tidak ada yang berani datang ke sana kecuali pada hari-hari tertentu. Mitos yang beredar, tempat ini dipercaya sebagai tempat mandi para bidadari ketika turun ke Bumi. Tepat ini juga dipercaya sebagai tempat Dayang Sumbi untuk mencuci pakaian dan membersihkan diri.

Namun, kini ketakutan itu sudah tidak ada lagi. Lagipula, tempat sekeren ini terlalu sayang untuk ditakuti. Sanghyang Heuleut merupakan sebuah kolam alami yang berada di aliran sungai yang berasal dari Danau Citarum Purba. Kolamnya dikelilingi oleh batu-batu alam berukuran besar dan sangat indah.

Sanghyang Heuleut bukanlah satu-satunya kolam yang ada di sekitar sana. Di kawasan tersebut juga ada Sanghyang Poek dan Sanghyang Tikoro. Lokasinya berada jauh dari desa dan untuk kesana kita harus trekking selama sekitar 1,5 jam. Jarak tempuhnya kira-kira 3 km. Dalam perjalanan menuju ke sana kita akan melewati batu-batu besar. Keberadaan Sanghyang Heuleut sendiri berada di balik salah satu batu besar tersebut.

6. Menengok Gua Bersejarah Di Bandung, Gua Pawon


Gua Pawon yang unik, tapi agak seram. “Pawon” dalam bahasa Jawa artinya adalah dapur, namun di Bandung Pawon ini adalah nama destinasi wisata lho. Iya, di Bandung ada destinasi berupa Gua yang dikenal dengan nama Pawon. Meski belum begitu terkenal, Gua Pawon yang terletak di Desa Masigit ini pernah menggemparkan.

Karena didalamnya ditemukan lebih dari 20.000 buah tulang manusia. Diperkirakan tulang belulang tadi adalah milik manusia purba, pendahulu suku sunda. Buat yang nggak percaya mungkin bisa menengok langsung Gua bersejarah ini. Siapkan saja IDR 5.500 yang akan dibayarkan sebagai tiket masuk. Murah kan?

7. Menyatu Di Kanopi Alam Ala Tahura Ir H Juanda


Taman Hutan Raya Djuanda adalah tempat yang sejuk dan segar untuk trekking ringan. Di Kota Bandung tepatnya berada di daerah Dago Pakar ada sebuah tempat untuk berlibur sambil trekking. Disini tidak hanya bisa membuat tubuh kamu sehat, tetapi juga bisa menjadi tempat refreshing penghilang rasa penat.

Tempat ini adalah sebuah taman seluas sekitar 590 hektar. Disini kamu bisa menikmati udara sejuk sambil menikmati 2.500 jenis tanaman yang tumbuh subur. Oh iya, selain bisa menikmati pemandangan alamnya ada objek wisata Gua Jepang, Gua Belanda, Curug dan Penangkaran Rusa yang bisa dikunjungi ketika berkunjung ke taman tersebut ya. Tahura atau Taman Hutan Raya ini adalah tempat liburan di Bandung yang juga cocok untuk kesehatan kamu.

8. Melihat Batuan Purbakala Di Stone Garden


Batuan purba Stone Garden yang dulunya berada di bawah laut. Stone Garden ini sebenarnya adalah situs purbakala. Kalau diperhatikan dengan jelas dan seksama, batu – batuan yang ada di tempat ini terlihat mirip sekali dengan batu karang di dasar lautan. Bahkan ketika berkeliling di tempat ini, jika kamu beruntung, kamu akan menemukan batuan unik seperti kerang laut, atau bahkan fosil tumbuhan laut. Mungking dahulu, jutaan tahun yang lalu tempat ini adalah dasar lautan. Namun karena keadaan alam mulai berubah, dasar laut ini pun terangkat dan menjadikannya sebuah pegunungan yang indah seperti saat ini.

9. Menyusuri Hutan Pinus Batu Kuda


Batunya memang besar, tapi enggak berbentuk kuda sama sekali deh sepertinya. Situs Batu Kuda ini adalah sebuah objek wisata yang berada di Gunung Manglayang Bandung Timur. Dikenal dengan nama Batu Kuda karena mitosnya pernah ada sekor kuda yang bisa terbang dari arah selatan, yaitu Kuda Sembrani. Nah, ketika sedang terbang melewati Gunung Manglayang, si kuda tadi jatuh dan terjebak hingga tempat dia jatuh menjadi kubangan. Sekarang kuda ini terlihat dalam wujud batu yang mirip kuda.

Namun daya tarik tempat ini bukan hanya mitosnya atau batu berbentuk kuda saja, ada banyak kegiatan yang bisa dilakukan di destinasi wisata Batu Kuda ini. Mulai dari camping, trekking, hingga bersepeda. Ada banyak pohon pinus cantik disini. Udaranya pun segar sekali loh. Asiknya lagi, kamu bisa mengunjungi Batu Kuda hanya dengan membayar tiket IDR 3000 per/orang dan IDR 5000 jika ingin camping disini.

10. Nikmati Segarnya Udara Dan Cantiknya Niagara Mini Di Dekat Bandung, Curug Malela!


Curug Malela, tempat liburan antimainstream di Bandung
Yak, Niagara nggak cuma amerika saja yang punya, di dekat Bandung ada Curug Malela yang lumayan mirip dengan air terjun Niagara. Lokasinya nggak jauh dari Waduk Saguling, waduk buatan yang terletak di Kabupaten Bandung Barat pada ketinggian 643 m di atas permukaan laut.

Curug Malela adalah tipe air terjun yang luas dan lebar, karena itu bisa dibilang mirip air terjun Niagara. Nah, kalau kalian sudah bosan dengan tempat liburan yang ada di dalam Kota Bandung, bisa deh kabur dan berlibur ke Curug Malela.

Tempat wisata Curut Malela yang ada di bandung barat ini bisa dicapai kurang lebih dengan 3 jam perjalanan dari pusat kota Bandung. Rute yang bisa ditempuh untuk menuju Curug Malela Adalah Cimahi – Batujajar – Cihampelas – Cililin – Sindang Kerta – Gunung Halu – Buni Jaya – Curug Malela.

11. Cari yang Geulis-Geulis? Ya di Sendang Geulis Kahuripan


Ada yang menyebutnya dengan Talaga Cikahuripan, Sendang Geulis Kahuripan bahkan Sirah Cai Kahuripan. Namun, nama yang sering digunakan oleh warga lokal adalah Talaga Cikahuripan. Lokasi tempat ini berada di Desa Ganjarsari, Kecamatan Cikalong Wetan.

Suasana alam ala pedesaan di mata air Sendang Geulis Kahuripan ini benar-benar syahdu. Mata airnya sudah jelas bersih dan jernih. Apalagi airnya tidak berbau karena terus mengalir ke sungai. Bahkan sudah tersedia kolam renang yang sumber airnya langsung berasal dari mata air Sendang Gelulis Kahuripan.

Kamu tidak perlu repot mencari makan atau berganti pakaian. Karena di lokasi sudah tersedia tempat bilas, tempat berganti pakaian dan warung-warung yang menyediakan makanan. Pasti kalian butuh energi setelah melepas penat dan lelah di mata air Sendang Geulis Kahuripan. Meskipun tempat ini sudah di kelola dengan baik, tidak banyak orang tau tempat wisata ini.

12. Bersantai di Hutan Pinus The Lodge Maribaya, Ga Kalah Seru dibanding Kalibirunya Jogja.


Bonus! Salah satu wisata yang sedang trend saat ini adalah The Lodge Maribaya Lembang. Kawasan ini dikelilingi hutan pinus yang lebat. The Lodge Maribaya memiliki keindahan alam seperti Tebing Keraton dan Wisata Kalibiru Yogyakarta. The Lodge Maribaya beralamat di Jalan Maribaya Timur Km. 6  Kampung Kosambi, Cibodas, Maribaya Lembang, Bandung Barat.  Memiliki tagline escape to nature, The Lodge Maribaya menawarkan berbagai aktifitas menarik untuk wisatawan.

Salah satu keunikan yang sulit untuk didapatkan ditempat lain, kalian bisa menikmati secangkir kopi sambil melihat jejeran hutan pinus yang berbaris rapi di meja-meja teras The Lodge. Sensasi inilah yang tidak bisa kalian dapatkan saat berada di Tebing Keraton Bandung.

Nah itu dia 11 Tempat wisata Bandung yang Jarang diketahui orang-orang sehingga masih sepi pengunjung tapi bakal kasih kamu suasana baru dan gak liburan ditempat itu-itu aja di Bandung, so kalo ke Bandung cobain dateng ke 11 tempat yang anti mainstream ini? yuk siapkan ranselmu sekarang!

Kampung Daun


Menikmati hidangan dengan suasana yang nyaman, asri, tentram dan damai akan menjadi pengalaman yang mengesankan, apalagi tersaji dalam atmorfer alami dengan berbagai keindahan di setiap sudutnya, itulah pengalaman yang di tawarkan oleh Kampung Daun Culture Gallery & Cafe sebuah tempat makan/restoran yang ada di sebelah utara Kota Bandung, jika anda merencanakan liburan di Lembang, tidak salah rasanya jika Kampung Daun masuk kedalam list destinasi wisata anda di Lembang.


Parking Space – Kampung Daun


Main Entrance – Kampung Daun

Kampung Daun terletak di jalur wisata bunga Cihideung Lembang, berada di dalam komplek perumahan Villa Trinity, lingkungan alamnya memang sudah mendukung konsep suasana yang dibangun Kampung Daun, selain terletak di dataran tinggi yang memiliki udara sejuk juga daerah sekitarnya memang masih asri, bisa dimaklumi karena lokasi Kampung Daun memang terletak di salah satu jalur utama wisata Bandung – Lembang


Inside Kampung Daun Area


Suasana tenang dan damai memang di bangun sejak sebelum masuk area utama Kampung Daun, jika kita berkunjung pada malam hari, di sepanjang jalan menuju area utama, kita akan melihat obor yang menggunakan bambu di kanan kiri jalan sehingga suasana hangat, rasa dan ciri khas pedesaan mulai terasa disini.


Memasuki resto Kampung Daun kita akan melihat berbagai bangunan saung dengan atap rumbia dalam berbagai ukuran sebagai tempat makan pengunjung, mulai ukuran kecil, sedang hingga besar, besarnya ukuran saung ini ternyata memang di buat untuk menyesuaikan dengan jumlah pengunjung yang datang.


Tidak heran ketika anda memasuki Kampung Daun pelayan disini akan bertanya berapa jumlah rombongan anda, untuk selanjutnya pelayan lainnya akan membawa anda ke dalam saung yang sesuai dengan jumlah orang yang anda bawa. Jika pengunjung sedang membludak jangan heran jika anda harus menunggu di saung yang telah di sediakan untuk mendapatkan tempat makan yang sesuai dengan jumlah orang yang anda bawa.

Memasuki saung tempat makan, pengunjung dapat duduk lesehan dengan santai, sebagian lain ada yang tidur-tiduran sambil menunggu hidangan yang dipesan, suasana tenang dan nyaman memang hadir disini dan semakin terasa nyaman dengan hadirnya suara gemericik air dari aliran sungai kecil yang terdapat di dalam area Kampung Daun.

Hidangan yang ditawarkan juga sangat mamanjakan lidah, menu khas Jawa Barat seperti nasi liwet parahyangan, gurame goreng sambel terasi, gurame bakar sambel kecap, nasi pepes daun kemangi, nasi tutug oncom, sop gurame, nasi goreng kampung daun tersedia disini, tapi bagi anda penyuka western food juga dapat menikmati aneka hidangan ala barat seperti blackpepper beef, chicken steak dan beef ribs.


Minuman yang ditawarkan juga tidak kalah menarik, mulai dari minuman khas sunda seperti bandrek, bajigur dan es goyobod hingga minuman jus dan kopi juga tersaji disini untuk melengkapi pengalaman anda menikmati kuliner Kampung Daun.



Lokasi Kampung Daun terletak di Jl. Sersan Bajuri Km 4,7 No. 88 – RR1, Bandung, West Java  40154, perjalanan dari gerbang tol pasteur dapat anda tempuh sekitar 1 – 1,5 jam tergantung kondisi lalu lintas. Bagi anda yang pernah mengunjungi Kampung Gajah, maka lokasi Kampung Daun dapat anda temukan dengan mudah, karena lokasinya yang memang satu jalur dengan Kampung Gajah, kurang lebih 1 – 1,5 KM dari Kampung Gajah ke arah Parongpong.

Sebagai panduan berikut adalah rute perjalanan yang bisa anda tempuh menuju Kampung Daun:

  • Dari gerbang tol Pasteur  belok kiri menuju ke Jl. Surya Sumantri
  • Lanjutkan perjalanan sampai melewati Universitas Maranatha, kemudian belok kiri ke Jl. Lemah nendeut
  • Belok kanan ke terusan Jl. Prof. Dr. Sutami,
  • Blok kiri menuju ke Jl. Setrari
  • Belok kiri ke Jl. Prof. Dr. Sutami
  • Teruskan berkendara sampai ketemu Jl. Sukajadi
  • Belok kiri lanjut ke Jl. Setiabudhi arah Ledeng,
  • Lanjutkan perjalanan sampai melewati UPI
  • Tepat di sebrang Terminal Ledeng belok kiri menuju ke Jl. Sersan Bajur
  • Ikuti terus jalan ini sampai melewati Kampung Gajah
  • Lanjutkan hingga menemukan lokasi Kampung Daun.

Map – How to Get to Kampung Daun Restaurant

Kampung Daun Bandung

Tempat Wisata di Bandung

20 Tempat Wisata di Bandung Paling Terkenal Untuk Dikunjungi. Original Post by Melda Anastasia 19 Jun 2015


Ada banyak tempat wisata di Bandung yang digemari kalangan penikmat perjalanan, mulai dari pesona alamnya yang memikat, sajian kulinernya yang lezat, khasanah budaya dan wisata sejarahnya, hingga wahana permainan dan hiburan yang menyenangkan.

Bandung memiliki iklim yang sejuk mengingat topografi daerahnya yang dikelilingi pegunungan. Kondisi alam yang mendukung serta keramahan masyarakatnya yang santun seolah menempatkan berbagai tempat wisata di Bandung sebagai tujuan wisata favorit, terutama saat akhir pekan dan masa liburan.

Bagi warga Jakarta, mengunjungi Bandung untuk berekreasi adalah hal yang telah ada sejak lama. Ini mengingat jarak tempuh yang terbilang cukup dekat. Selain Bandung,Kota Bogor dan kawasan Puncak adalah pula tujuan favorit lainnya dengan akses yang cepat dari Jakarta.

Tidak hanya Jakarta saja, kedatangan wisatawan dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia ke Bandung juga memperlihatkan angka statistik yang tidak sedikit. Belum lagi ditambah dengan pesona Bandung yang turut mengundang kedatangan para penikmat perjalanan dari mancanegara.

Kota Bandung adalah pula destinasi wisata belanja yang favorit. Anda dapat menjumpai banyak tempat belanja serta factory outlet yang masing-masing menawarkan berbagai produknya yang khas dan relatif murah. Selain itu, tujuankuliner Bandung semakin menambah semarak daftar destinasi yang patut dikunjungi oleh para wisatawan selama berlibur di Kota Kembang tersebut.

Tempat Wisata di Bandung

Untuk memperkaya referensi Anda tentang berbagai tempat menarik di Bandung, berikut ini adalah tempat wisata di Bandung paling terkenal dan sayang sekali untuk dilewatkan tatkala berlibur di sana.

Tempat Menarik di Kota Bandung

1. Museum Geologi

Museum yang berdiri sejak tahun 1928 ini adalah salah satu objek wisata di Bandung yang ramai dikunjungi wisatawan, baik dari kalangan pelajar dan mahasiswa hingga publik luas, termasuk kalangan penikmat perjalanan dari mancanegara. Anda akan menjumpai dua lantai utama di sana dengan masing-masing ruang yang dimilikinya.


Ada Ruang Orientasi yang berisi peta geografis Indonesia berbentuk relief. Juga ada Ruang Geologi yang menampilkan koleksi tentang bumi, tata surya, dan fosil-fosil sejarah. Sementara ruangan di sayap timur memberikan Anda pengetahuan tentang sejarah pertumbuhan makhluk hidup. Di lantai 2, Anda dapat menjumpai maket tambang emas terbesar di dunia yang ada di Papua.

2. Cihampelas Walk

Cihampelas Walk, terkenal dengan sebutan Ciwalk, adalah kawasan perbelanjaan yang mengusung konsep alami di Bandung.


Selain itu, hanya sekedar menghabiskan makan malam di Ciwalk juga merupakan sebuah hal yang mengasyikkan. Udara bersih dan sejuk akan membuat Anda betah berlama-lama di sana.

3. Trans Studio Bandung

Sebagai salah satu tempat wisata di Bandung yang sangat digemari banyak keluarga, Anda dapat dengan mudah untuk tiba di lokasi Trans Studio Bandung. Trans Studio memiliki 6 pertunjukan utama yang bertema teatrikal, yakni Kabayan Goes to Hollywood, Legenda Putera Mahkota, Petualangan si Bolang dan zoo crew, Special Effect action show, New Parade & Laser Show, dan Trans Studio Big Band.


Objek wisata Bandung ini menawarkan Anda 20 wahana permainan, mulai dari extreme rides hingga softplay untuk anak-anak, serta berbagai kegiatan hiburan lainnya yang mengasyikkan.

4. Kebun Binatang Bandung

Kebun Binatang adalah destinasi wisata Bandung yang populer. Ada banyak kalangan penikmat perjalanan yang mengunjunginya, terutama sebagai tujuan wisata keluarga yang murah di Bandung serta memberi banyak manfaat positif bagi anak-anak. Ketika tiba masa-masa libur dan akhir pekan, Kebun Binatang Bandung menjadi demikian ramai oleh kunjungan wisatawan.


Areal wisata kebun binatang ini sungguh sejuk, rimbun dedaunan pohon-pohon yang ada di sana melindungi satwa dan menjaga Anda dari terik panas matahari. Menaiki bebek kayuh atau bersepeda air akan sangat menyenangkan bagi anak-anak. Atau, menunggangi kuda hingga gajah juga mungkin menarik bagi Anda.

5. Museum Konferensi Asia Afrika

Museum Konferensi Asia Afrika menyimpan kenangan sebuah hajatan dunia yang terkenal, yakni Konferensi Asia Afrika yang terselenggara di Bandung pada 18-24 April 1955 silam dengan hasilnya yang masyhur dengan sebutan Dasa Sila Bandung, yakni sebuah pedoman bangsa-bangsa terjajah di dunia dalam perjuangan memperoleh kemerdekaan.


Objek wisata di Bandung yang satu ini memiliki rancang arsitektural Art Deco, dibangun dengan bahan lantai dasar marmer yang didatangkan langsung dari Italia. Ruangannya dibuat dari kayu Cikenhout yang terkenal kuat dan berpenerangan lampu kristal. Museum Konferensi Asia Afrika adalah bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari Gedung Merdeka (tempat persidangan konferensi).

6. Museum Sri Baduga

Inilah tempat terbaik jika Anda ingin mengetahui dan memperoleh gambaran tentang perjalanan sejarah alam dan budaya masyarakat Jawa Barat serta fase-fase perkembangan dan perubahannya.


Museum Sri Baduga menyimpan sekitar 5.367 buah koleksi, tidak terbatas pada bentuk asli semata, tetapi juga meliputi aneka koleksi replika, miniatur, foto, serta maket. Tempat wisata sejarah di Bandung yang satu ini sangat cocok bagi Anda penyuka sejarah.

7. Taman Lalu Lintas Ade Irma Suryani

Inilah taman rekreasi yang terletak di jantung kota Bandung dan memiliki nilai manfaat besar bagi anak-anak sebagai pusat latihan membaca rambu-rambu lalu lintas. Objek wisata Bandung yang satu ini berhawa sejuk dan asri dengan kursi-kursi taman yang banyak.


Di Taman Lalu Lintas Ade Irma Suryani, anak-anak Anda dapat menikmati pengalaman berkendara dengan sepeda atau kendaraan mini pada jalur buatan yang telah dilengkapi rambu-rambu lalu lintas. Inilah praktik belajar kelalulintasan dalam balutan permainan yang menyenangkan bagi putera-puteri Anda.

8. Kolam Renang Karang Setra

Inilah salah satu tempat wisata di Bandung yang legendaris. Kolam Renang Karang Setra pernah tercatat sebagai kolam renang terluas se-Asia Tenggara pada saat pertama kali diresmikan oleh Presiden ke-1 Indonesia, Soekarno pada tahun 1954 yang berdiri di atas lahan seluas 6 hektar.


Karang Setra Waterland dibangun dengan konsep kolam renang outdoor dan memiliki aneka wahana permainan air modern, seperti Kolam Prestasi, Waterboom dengan panjang lintasan 86 meter, Kolam Naga, Aqua Play, Kolam Pantai, Water Ball, Space Ball, Bungge Trampoline, Banteng Ngamuk ,dan Ruang Gempa.

Tempat Menarik di Bandung Utara

9. Taman Wisata Alam Maribaya

Maribaya menyuguhkan Anda pengalaman wisata alam yang menyegarkan. Dengan ikon air terjun Maribaya (Curug Maribaya) yang berketinggian 25 meter, Anda dapat menikmati pemandangan alam yang mempesona dalam balutan udara segar yang menyehatkan.


Kawasan wisata di Bandung yang satu ini telah terkenal sejak dulu akan keindahan air terjunnya, kolam pemandian air panas, panorama alam, serta sajian kuliner lokal yang nikmat.

10. Kawasan Punclut

Inilah tempat wisata di Bandung yang mampu menyuguhkan Anda sebuah lanskap Kota Bandung dari ketinggian. Kawasan Punclut, singkatan dari Puncak Ciumbuleuit, berada pada ketinggian sekitar 1.000 m dpl dengan hawa yang cenderung dingin dan menyegarkan.


Panorama eksotis Kota Bandung, terutama di malam hari sungguh menawan terlihat. Terlebih lagi sembari menikmati kuliner lokal yang lezat di sana. Ada banyak warung lesehan yang menyajikan Anda makanan dan minuman yang nikmat tatkala mengunjungi Punclut.

11. Kebun Bunga Cihideung

Inilah kawasan wisata bunga di Bandung dengan ragam jenis bunga yang ditumbuhkembangkan di sana, mulai dari bunga krisan, mawar, gladiol, aster, hingga pohon buah jeruk kimkit.


Para penyuka tanaman bunga selalu suka untuk mengunjungi destinasi wisata Bandung yang satu ini. Anda dapat membeli bunga potong atau bunga pot dengan harga yang kompetitif. Semuanya dibalut dalam keramahan petani bunga yang sungguh berkesan di hati.

12. De’Ranch

De’Ranch adalah juga destinasi wisata favorit yang sangat digemari anak-anak serta banyak keluarga. Destinasi wisata Bandung yang satu ini menghadirkan kegembiraan berkuda ala cowboy dalam suatu kawasan yang sungguh alami.


Beberapa kegiatan wisata yang populer di sana, misalnya menunggang kuda, naik delman, fun boat, panahan, gold hunter, dan lain sebagainya.

13. Kampung Gajah Wonderland

Sebagai salah satu tempat wisata di Bandung yang mengintegrasikan secara harmonis antara kegiatan kuliner, wisata keluarga, dan belanja, Kampung Gajah Wonderland disukai karena tersedianya berbagai kegiatan wisata dan sarana hiburan yang menyenangkan.


Terletak pada daerah berketinggian 900 meter dpl, Kampung Gajah memiliki panorama alam yang menyegarkan dan udara yang sejuk. Aneka wahana permainan di sana terbilang lengkap, sebuah hal yang disukai banyak wisatawan dari berbagai usia.

14. Floating Market

Anda dapat menikmati keindahan alam sekaligus kuliner dengan suguhan menu bercitarasa tinggi di kawasan wisata Bandung yang satu ini. Kesemuanya dibalut dalam konsep pasar terapung yang unik dan menarik. Floating Market dilengkapi dengan fasilitas dan wahana modern yang menarik, secara spesifik menghadirkan 3 tema utama, yaitu area bermain, belajar, dan kuliner.


Inilah sebab mengapa tempat wisata di Bandung ini selalu ramai dengan kunjungan wisatawan, baik domestik maupun mancanegara.

15. Gunung Tangkuban Perahu

Pesona Tangkuban Perahu terletak pada kawahnya yang besar. Kawah inilah yang menciptakan sebuah panorama menakjubkan jika Anda menjejakkan kaki di sana.

Meski merupakan sebuah gunung api yang masih aktif, Tangkuban Perahu sangat aman untuk dikunjungi. Gas sulfur masih keluar dari kawah meskipun tidak aktif. Gunung Tangkuban Perahu oleh masyarakat Jawa Barat telah melegenda melalui sebuah kisah bernama Sangkuriang.

Tempat Menarik di Bandung Selatan

16. Perkebunan Teh Rancabali

Di Rancabali, Anda dapat menikmati panorama alam khas perkebunan teh yang berbukit dan berkelok-kelok dengan hamparan teh yang tertata rapi. Pesonanya semakin kental dengan perbukitan hijau yang mengelilingi perkebunan teh ini.


Tujuan wisata Bandung ini mampu memberikan Anda pengalaman wisata yang unik dan berkesan dengan lanskap hijau dedaunan teh laksana permadani alam yang menawan. Hawa segar pegunungan dan latar berfoto yang menawan adalah daya tarik objek wisata di Rancabali.

17. Air Panas Ciwalini

Bersumber dari air panas Gunung Patuha, Anda dapat menikmati sensasi berendam di kolam air air Ciwalini dengan efek yang menyehatkan bagi tubuh. Anda akan mendapati betapa jernihnya air panas yang ada di sana serta tidak akan mencium aroma belerang apapun.


Tersedia dua kolam pemandian air panas, yaitu kolam pemandian untuk dewasa dan untuk anak-anak. Jika Anda menginginkan privasi, tersedia pula tempat mandi air panas di lokasi ini dengan kondisi yang tertutup. Eksistensi salah satu tempat wisata di Bandung ini telah dikenal sejak lama di kalangan wisatawan.

18. Kawah Putih

Kawah Putih berada di kawasan pegunungan berketinggian 2.400 meter dpl dengan suhu udara cenderung dingin yang bahkan dapat mencapai 8 derajat Celcius serta berhawa udara yang menyegarkan.


Sebagai salah satu tempat wisata di Bandung yang terkenal, Anda akan mendapati pemandangan alam yang sungguh mempesona di sana. Sejauh mata memandang horizon di depan, terlihat tanah yang berwarna putih laksana salju. Air danau juga berwarna putih kehijauan dengan warna danau yang berubah-ubah sesuai tinggi rendahnya suhu, faktor cuaca, dan kadar belerang yang terkandung.

19. Situ Patenggang (Patengan)

Destinasi wisata di Bandung yang satu ini juga menyuguhkan Anda panorama alam yang eksotis. Sejauh mata memandang horizon di depan, terlihat hamparan kebun teh hijau laksana sebuah karpet alam yang terbentang indah. Hembusana udara sejuk khas pegunungan dengan siraman hangatnya matahari turut menambah pesona Situ Patenggang.


Ada banyak kegiatan populer yang dapat dilakukan di Situ Patenggang, mulai dari bersepeda air, mengelilingi danau dengan perahu angsa, memancing, mengunjungi Batu Cinta, berkeliling Pulau Asmara, berjalan keliling kebun teh, atau sekedar berpiknik di pinggiran danau.

20. Bumi Perkemahan Ranca Upas

Berada pada daerah berketinggian 1.700 meter dpl, Ranca Upas memiliki udara yang sangat sejuk dan menjadi dingin di saat malam. Inilah salah satu tempat wisata di Bandung yang sangat cocok untuk berkemah serta melakukan banyak kegiatan outdoor yang menyenangkan.


Di sana terdapat pula konservasi penangkaran Rusa Jawa. Anda dapat berinteraksi langsung dengan kawanan rusa yang hidup bebas di alam terbuka dan memberi makan rusa-rusa itu.


Kota Kembang – Paris Van Java

See Also:

Gedung Sate, Bandung
Gedung Sate, Bandung

Bandung  is the capital city of West Java, and the third largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta and Surabaya. Nicknamed Parijs van Java (Paris of Java) by the Dutch for its resemblance to Paris and European atmosphere back at the colonial times. Bandung also earned another nickname as Kota Kembang, literally meaning the Flower City since Bandung used to have a lot of flowers.

Bandung view From the peak
Bandung view From the peak

Located at the altitude of 768 m with the surroundings of lush and beautiful Parahyangan mountains makes the climate mild and pleasant. The city has been well known for the universities, apparel products and a great place for gastronomic adventure. Nowadays, Bandung has become a very popular weekend escape for Jakartans, who would crowd the city on weekends and national holidays.


In this page, Bandung is divided into unofficial districts that are used mainly for traveling purposes only. The districts below are listed from top to bottom, from left to right.

Bandung Districts
Bandung Districts

Bandung West

Mainly industrial and residential area. Also contains Hussein Sastranegara International Airport and also the Aircraft industry. This region is connected to the west with Cimahi and Padalarang where you can find more industries, and also the Kota Baru Parahyangan (residential area)

Bandung North

Mainly contains the up and coming residential area in the north part of Bandung. The air is considerably cooler here so it is preferable for residential area. Still need some progress for well managed residential area but in some enclave it already has upscale residential area. This region also contains many universities. Contains malls like Paris Van Java malls and Bandung Trade Center. Jalan Setiabudi in the north also has a row of Factory Outlets and in process of gentrification. Further north from this region are more residential suburb that seeks Bandung’s fresher air. Note that the famous Lembang and Kampung Daun are north of this area.

Cipaganti and Cihampelas Areal

Two long strips that contains upscale residential area (on Jalan Cipaganti) and Bandung’s jeans center (on Jalan Cihampelas). Stride on small streets between those two main street and you will find more relaxed residential area with some nice cafes dotting the area. Cihampelas Walk Mall (open concept) is in this area. Travel service from Jakarta mostly have terminal in this area.

Dago Area

In the colonial era, this is the favorite residential area for rich people. Currently you can find row of factory outlets, restaurants, and hotel along Jalan Dago (Jalan Ir. H. Juanda). Together with Riau/Gedung Sate Area, this part of the city is undergoing a tremendous change in the process of gentrification. You can find the Bandung Institute of Technology and Bandung Zoo here. The area is nice to explore, possible on foot but preferable by car.

Upper Dago Area

Another upscale residential area in the hilly part of the city. It boasts many restaurants that overlooking Bandung basin and you can see the city light in the evening. Some nice cafes and art gallery have found a way in here.

Bandung East

Contains middle class residential area in the vast area further to the east of Bandung. Contains the Saung Angklung Mang Udjo.

Riau/Gedung Sate Area

Part of the historical colonial government complex which is very planned and nice to explore on foot. Together with Dago area, this part of the city is undergoing tremendous change in the process of gentrification. You can find many restaurants and factory outlets in this area. A lot of trees shading the road making this area a perfect location for cafes. Be sure to stop by Gedung Sate as the architectural heritage in Bandung.

Upper Central Area

This is the new important business area in Bandung. Contains Bandung’s railway station, Paskal Hypersquare, and Istana Plaza Mall.

City Hall Area

Also part of the historical colonial government complex similar like Riau/Gedung Sate Area. But this area has more building that still functional as government / military building. Broad road and big government complexes mark the area. Contains Bandung’s city hall, the central bank office, Bandung’s cathedral, and many more historical building. Together with Riau and Dago Area, a lot of architectural sights here. The famous Braga street is here.

Kota Area

This is a very busy business and China town area. Contains Pasar Baru Trade Center with its grand bazaar style. On weekdays continually suffering from traffic jam.

Bandung South

A vast area that is dense with residential, business, and industrial area. Majority are not a tourist area except some dots like the shoes production center in Cibaduyut. Contains a lot of textile and garment industry that is the main industry in Bandung area.



Although the oldest written reference to the city dates back to 1488, there were numerous archaeological finds of Australopithecus (Java Man) that lived on the banks of Cikapundung river and the shores of Bandung’s Great Lake.

In the 17th-18th century, the Dutch East Indies Company (VOC) created small plantations in Bandung, with a road to Batavia (today’s Jakarta) completed in 1786. In 1809, Louis Bonaparte, the ruler of the Netherlands and its colonies, ordered the Dutch Indies Governor H.W. Daendels to improve Java’s defenses against the threat of the English, who occupied the nearby Malay peninsula. Daendels responded by building the Great Post Road (De Groote Postweg) that stretched about 1000 km between the west and the east coasts of Java. Because north coast was in the form of impassable swamps and marshes at the time, the road was diverted through Bandung along what is now Jalan Asia-Afrika.

Daendels liked Bandung’s strategic location so much that he ordered the capital to be moved there. Military barracks were built and Bupati Wiranatakusumah II, the chief administrator of that area, built his dalem (palace), Masjid Agung (the grand mosque) and pendopo (meeting place) in the classical Javan alun-alun (city square) near a pair of holy city wells (Sumur Bandung) and facing the mystical mountain of Tangkuban Perahu.

Powered by its cinchona (for malaria drug quinine), tea, and coffee plantations, Bandung prospered and developed into an exclusive European style resort with hotels, cafes, and shops. Many of Bandung landmarks, including the Preanger and Savoy Homann hotels, as well as the shopping street of Jalan Braga, are still available today. The Concordia Society building, now Gedung Merdeka, was built with a large ball room as a club for rich Europeans to spend their weekends.

In 1880, the first major railroad between Jakarta to Bandung opened, boosting small industries and bringing in Chinese workers. The first of Bandung universities, the Technische Hogeschool (TH) was established on July 3rd, 1920. One of the its alumni members is President Soekarno himself. That university is now known as the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

In 1942, after Japanese soldiers landed in coastal areas of Java, the Dutch retreated from Jakarta to Bandung, but were driven out from there as well and surrendered soon after. After the end of the war, first the British and later the Dutch came back trying to reestablish the pre-war colonial situation, but on March 24, 1946, during the struggle for Indonesian independence, the city of Bandung was burned down by retreating forces of the TRI, because they would not comply with the order given by the British forces to move out of Bandung to the south (Bandung Sea of Fire/Bandung Lautan Api). For the TRI this act was a sign of refusal to surrender. Over 200,000 people fled the city during the incident.

In 1955, the Asia Africa Conference (Konferensi Asia Afrika) was held in Bandung, paving the way for the creation of the Non-Aligned Movement in 1961. The Indonesian parliament was located in Bandung from 1955 to 1966, but was moved back to Jakarta in 1966.


Today’s Bandung is a sprawling city of 2.7 million people and suffers from many of the same problems as other Indonesian cities. Traffic is congested, old buildings have been torn down, and once idyllic residences have turned into business premises.

Jalan Asia-Afrika, the former Grote Postweg, still remains as one of Bandung’s main thoroughfares and connects together the alun-alun (city square) with many of the city’s colonial landmarks.

Please refer to the district map of Bandung: the most important district for tourist majority are located in north of Bandung. The easiest landmark for your orientation is the north/south border by the railway and or the new Pasupati elevated road. Once you identify whether you are located north or south of Bandung, identify the area immediately, the landmark will be the major road in the intended district/area and the major building / tourist attraction on that road. Discuss using compass direction (north/east/west/south) of that major building / major road. Since Bandung is not organized in blocks, this is the way local organize themselves and is a very effective way to discuss way to go with local.

Road in bahasa Indonesia is translated into Jalan and abbreviated into Jl.; this applies to all kind of road from small road to major road. You will see a lot of Jl. in front of the road name in this guide. Very small road that cannot by passed by car is called Gang and abbreviated into Gg.

Get in

Bandung is located in the central highlands. It can be reached from Jakarta either via the toll road or by airplane. When using the road, there are many small buses connecting Jakarta and Bandung. An alternative to the toll road is the winding and mountainous roads through Puncak (=Peak). The route through Puncak is quite scenic but on weekends and public holidays the traffic is congested.

By Plane

Bandung’s Husein Sastranegara (IATA: BDO) airport has a difficult location among the mountains and has only limited services with narrow-body airplanes. The airport is located at the end of Pajajaran Street, 4 km from the centre of the city. There’s no metered taxi available from bandung airport. The official taxi of the airport didn’t use meter and will only served once you had a taxi ticket (the ticket shown the amount you have to pay to the driver) which can be bought at the taxi booth near the international arrival exit gate, they charges minimum of Rp 40.000 (about US$ 5). Most hotels provide a free airport transfer services.

Some airlines serving Bandung:

  • Air Asia  – operates thrice daily flights from Kuala Lumpur and twice daily from Singapore, Denpasar (Bali), Surabaya and Medan and once a day from Pekanbaru. (no-frill airline)
  • Batavia Air  – operates 3x weekly flight from Singapore.
  • Garuda Indonesia – operate daily flight from Surabaya.
  • Lion Air  – operates twice daily from Denpasar, and Surabaya, daily from Banjarmasin, Batam and Medan.
  • Merpati Nusantara Airlines  – operate daily flight from Denpasar, Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta.
  • Pacific Royale – operate daily flight from Semarang.
  • Sky Aviation – operate daily flight from Batam.
  • Sriwijaya Air  – operate daily flight from Surabaya.
  • Silk Air  – operates 5x weekly flight from Singapore.
  • Wings Air  – operate daily flight from Yogyakarta

Jakarta’s Soekarno-Hatta airport is about 3 hours away (plus any traffic jams). A number of companies offer direct shuttle services; see the next section for details.

Travelers arriving direct into Bandung airport will find that it is very close to the city. Taxi fares are fixed at Rp42,000 to most parts of the city. Buy the ticket at the counter because when you ask the “mafia” controlled taxis nearby, they will quote you Rp70,000. The fixed price is still a rip off as the taxi fare from our airport at Bandung SuperMal to the airport, in the morning only cost us Rp30,000. It’s a monopoly contracted out to only one taxi company.

If you’re early at the airport, check-in and walk out of the airport to a small cafe across that road that serves hot noodles, kway teow and tea for half the price you’ll pay for it inside the airport (again another monopoly).

By Bus

Bus services connect Bandung and smaller surrounding cities. Several long-route buses are also available from major big cities. The most convenient way is the air-conditioned bus with the express or non-stop tag. The main bus terminals in Bandung are Leuwipanjang, serving buses from the west (Bogor, Jakarta, Merak, Pandeglang, Tangerang, Depok, Bekasi, Cikarang, Cibinong and Sukabumi.) and Cicaheum, serving buses from the east (Cirebon, Garut, Tasikmalaya, Banjar, Pangandaran, Indramayu, central Java cities, eastern Java cities and also from Bali Island).

By Shuttle Bus

With 6-12 seater minivans leaving every fifteen minutes up to every 1 to 2 hours depends on the providers, the shuttle bus market between Jakarta and Bandung is fiercely competitive. Roughly speaking, services can be categorised as either door to door in a chartered car or van that takes your group exactly where you want to go, for around US$50-75, or point to point from a terminal to another, for under US$10. Many companies offer both. Most shuttle providers use Isuzu Elf minivan (similar with Toyota Hiace, but bigger & more spacious) and some companies offer more luxurious options using Toyota Alphard or Hyundai H-1 with a higher fare and distinct routes, but some routes are deleting, because the high price fare after high increase of diesel fuel made consumers use lower grade of shuttle bus.

Bandung Shuttle Providers

  • 4848 Taxi. Jl Prapatan 34, Jakarta. ☎ +62 21 381 4488, +62 21 386 4848. The service is great, reliable and safe. Price: approx. US$ 25/car (4 persons). One destination only in a small area in Jakarta, so you have to ask which area in Jakarta the will serve.
  • DayTrans, [10] (Indonesian-language only) Jakarta (Blora, Sarinah, Fatmawati, Karet, Mall Senayan City, FX Plaza, Meruya-Intercon, Kebon Jeruk-Binus, Grogol, Atrium Plaza, Hotel Acacia, Cempaka Putih Pulomas, Tebet/Pancoran and Jatiwaringin), ☎ +62 21 7063 6868 atau 6386 4005. Bandung (Dipati Ukur, Cihampelas and Pasteur), ☎ +62 22 7063 6868. Rp 90,000 for a share ride.
  • Cipaganti, Probably the biggest name in the business, they serve over a half a dozen points throughout Jakarta and its suburbs from their various terminals in Bandung, such as Bandung Trade Center (BTC) on the western side of the city (Pasteur), Cihampelas, and many more, with shuttles leaving every 30 min or so on most routes. Rp 100,000 for a shared ride (Note: special discount rates apply for students), Rp 700,000 for a point-to-point charter.
  • Star Shuttle, This is belong to Cipaganti Group to compete with Baraya. ☎ +62 21 700 500 000 and +62 21 700 500 000. Same as with Cipaganti, you have to mention that you will use Star Shuttle.
  • Baraya, The ticket fee is only Rp 70,000 for a shared ride. ☎ +62 21 7244 999 and +62 22 253 3456.
  • Primajasa Bus, ☎ +62 22 607 3992 (Bandung), ☎ +62 21 800 9545 (Jakarta). Direct shuttle service from Jakarta’s Soekarno-Hatta airport to Batununggal but they don’t stop at Bandung Super Mall anymore. The trip takes approx. 3 hr and the cost is approx. US$8.50/person or Rp 75,000. Schedule: once every half hour from 0:30AM-4PM. Their buses feature a smoking room and toilet at the back. From Lebak Bulus bus terminal in Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta, the Primajasa costs Rp 50,000. There will be a numerous other buses running the route from Lebak Bulus, and Kampung Rambutan bus terminal – it is possible to get an economy bus for Rp 20,000, although it will be full of people smoking, non airconditioned, and probably less secure. Ask around, but always be cautious in bus terminals in Indonesia – especially at night.
  • Silver Bird Van Taxi (Blue Bird Group), Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya 60, South Jakarta. ☎ +62 21 798 1234. Price: Rp 750,000 door to door, plus toll fee Rp 40,000.
  • X-Trans, Jl. Blora 1 AB, Central Jakarta, ☎ +62 21 315 0555. Price: approx. US$55/car maximum 10 persons for point-to-point charter or Rp 90,000 for a share ride.
  • CitiTrans, Jakarta (Fatmawati, Bintaro, Sudirman, Kelapa Gading, Pasar Pagi, Central Park), ☎ 08041111000. Bandung (Dipati Ukur, Cihampelas Walk, Pasteur), ☎ 08041111000. Rp 90,000 single-trip, non-stop, on 7 or 10-person (depends on pool) shuttles with separate seats.

Due to competitions, all shuttles now only have 2 prices, for 6-10 seats about Rp90,000-Rp100,000 and for 10-12 seats about Rp60,000-Rp70,000 in a minibus. While Taxis use car with maximum 4 passengers, excluding the driver.

By Car

Bandung is two hours away from Jakarta by car, thanks to the new Cipularang toll road that completes the inter-city highway between Jakarta and Bandung. It is now faster to travel to Bandung by car than by train from Jakarta.

During the rainy season, parts of the Cipularang toll road may be closed because of landslides. On weekends, traffic jams often occur near the toll gates in the Djunjunan/Terusan Pasteur area.

One alternative route is by the slower, but enjoyable, route from Jakarta – Puncak – Cianjur – Bandung. If you travel by car using this route, then make sure to stop at the Puncak Pass, the tip of the highland just on the outskirts of Jakarta. From here, the view of tea plantation with fresh air can be enjoyed. There are plenty of good restaurants and hotels out there.

There is also a beautiful safari park/zoo in Puncak: Taman Safari Indonesia, Jl. Raya Puncak No.601, Cisarua, Bogor. ☎ +62 251 250 000, Fax +62 251 250555.

By Train

State operator PT Kereta Api Indonesia  offers frequent services between Jakarta and Bandung, as well as connections onward to Surabaya. Even the fastest services take more than three hours, making this a slower option than the shuttle buses, but the scenery between Jakarta and Bandung is beautiful. The railroad passes mountains and padi terraces. Don’t miss this view when traveling by train. Use the AC (air-conditioned) coach if you cannot cope with the tropical heat. Most hotels in Bandung provide free transportation from train station to the hotel.

Unlike other countries, Indonesia do not use number for their train service. As a rule of thumb, the highest standard will be given by ‘Argo’ class train.

The ticket can be bought online or you can get only the booking code and pay at the stations, post offices, train ticket agents, Indomaret group, Alfamart group and Railcard & Railbox. You can also directly buy tickect without booking code at these online ticket distributors.

Bdg Train

Get Around

Travelling around in Bandung is quite complex and frustrating, especially to newcomers. There is no mass rapid transit system, metro nor tram in Bandung. Locals travel using small public minibuses, known as angkot from angkutan=transport and kota=city.

By Angkot

This city transport has only origin and destination names on top. Sometimes with via description if there are more than one angkot route for a certain origin-destination route. There is no route description anywhere. For locals, it is somewhat amazing that they only memorize where and how the route of each angkot route.

Although there is an official price for angkot from organda (the local organization of these private city transport), sometimes price is based on how far you travel. It’s better that you ask the driver or kernet (driver assistance) about the price to go to a location. To ask for an angkot to stop and pick you up, just raise your hand and they will stop. When you’re inside and want to stop, just ask the kernet to stop. Or say ‘kiri’ (key-ree) or simply ‘stop’ out loud. It was easy to find a bell that you can press to stop but not anymore. Most angkot fare are ranging from Rp 2000-5000, it depends on the route and distance.

The official angkot routes are listed on Bandung’s Info Kota website . A local startup KIRI  computes which angkot to take when getting around the city.

An unofficial, yet very helpful, website is Mau Kemana, which literally means something like “Where are you going?”. It shows the actual routes with Angkot prices .

By Taxi

If you don’t know which angkot routes to take, then you can take a taxi. Officially, taxis use meters, but some taxi drivers may refuse to use meters and will charge you a fixed price instead. Don’t be afraid to refuse and walk away, even locals are annoyed by this behaviour. Metered cabbies may also take you the long way to get more money. So be careful when traveling by taxi. The most reliable taxi company in Bandung is Blue Bird. Bluebird drivers will almost always use the most appropriate route and will always use the meter. Competing directly in the premium range with Blue Bird, Cipaganti Taxi has started their operation with a red colored car. Gemah Ripah is a third ranking taxi service that seems to be improving their service.

In Bandung, taxis are less common waiting on roadsides, due to the multitude of small roads and lack of space to wait. For this reason, ordering a taxi by phone is usually the simplest and safest bet. The taxi will drive up directly in front of you (ask for its number on the phone for identification), and there is no extra charge (sans a cheap cancellation fee, if necessary).

Alternatively, ask a uniformed security guard or policeman nearby to either flag down a nearby taxi, or point in the direction of a nearby taxi waiting area.

Taxi drivers off the street, or booked by telephone are usually polite and friendly, chosing to charge you by meter but watch out for those mentioned below.

Do allow lots of travel time in Bandung, although the city is small. A short trip that is about 8km will take you 45 min to an hour through the heavy traffic during peak times (morning 8-9am, evening 5-6pm). A short trip from Dago factory outlet areas to The Valley just a few km up north took almost 50minwhen travelling at 6pm.

List of Taxi companies in Bandung:

  • 4848, Jl. Suniaraja Tmr 39. ☎ +62 22 4234848. Reliable, good service on Bandung to Jakarta route.
  • Bandung Raya, Jl. Dr Setiabudi 177. ☎ +62 22 201 4018.
  • Blue Bird, Jl. Terusan Buah Batu 194. ☎ +62 22 7561234. Good reputation and reliable, this is the premium taxi company in Indonesia. Call center employees can speak English.
  • Centris Taxi, Jl. Soekarno-Hatta 606-A. ☎ +62 22 7512100. Branch of Centris Taxi company in Jakarta.
  • Cipaganti Taxi, Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 94. ☎ +62 22 7319498, +62 22 70070000, +62 22 76919440
  • Gemah Ripah,. ☎ +62 22 4217070. Second choice after Blue Bird.
  • Kota Kembang, Jl. Kiaracondong 338. ☎ +62 22 7312312.
  • Putra, Komplek Marga Asih Indah, Jl. Nilem 2 Blok J1. No. 10. ☎ +62 22 5405010

Most are trustworthy but watch out for those who wait near shopping centers and infront of hotels (except approved by the hotel), they will charge you a flat fee, refusing to take you for less. One example is taxis waiting outside “Chi Plaza” where they only take fixed fare passenger.

By Bus

There are also some bus lines, but they don’t cover the whole city. City buses usually cover long routes across the city from end-to-end; for example, from the north to the south and from the west to the east. The city bus is called DAMRI.

By Car

Using your own car or renting a car is probably the easiest and the most convenient way to travel around Bandung and surrounds. If you don’t have a valid driving licence, then you can also rent a car with a chauffeur, which is very common for western travelers. Perhaps it is even better to rent a car from Jakarta. You can stop for one night in Puncak, Bogor or Sukabumi.

Rental cars are available from numerous outlets, including major international brands. Note that traffic in Bandung is quite complex and the city administration likes to experiment with the traffic management. There is often a lack of traffic signs and directions. Many major roads are one-way, which makes it difficult to turn around if you are lost. Be careful not to enter a street that may a one-way street from the opposite direction but be lacking a prominent no-entry sign. There may be a watchful policeman hiding somewhere, he will pop up instantly to stop you and then you may have to pay him some money.

A lot of car rent at Bandung are scattered. Diaz Travelindo is one from many local rent car company at Bandung you can use. Car rental for travel within Bandung jakarta is about Rp350,000 per day (12 hr), or Rp500,000 (12 hr) for travel outside Bandung e.g. to Tangkuban Perahu volcanic area.

Architectural Jewels

There were many buildings built in a classic Dutch colonial style during the late 18th and early 19th century. The locals referred to this time as the Bandoeng tempo doeloe (old Bandung) era. The art-deco style was very popular throughout the earlier half of the 20th century and the city and it’s suburbs retain many fine examples of these architectural styles. The city administration has a tendency to lean toward a modern style throughout the city with many of the more recent bridges, banks, malls and commercial areas. However many of the historical buildings have conservation orders and there are some very well preserved and maintained examples of the colonial era architecture to be seen. The non-profit organization Bandung Heritage Society [16] has been formed recently to assist in endeavours to further preserve the city’s historic buildings.

Make sure you see these buildings before they’re gone.

  • Villa Isola, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi 229.Architect: C.P.W. Schoemaker. Built in 1932 for an Italian millionaire D.W. Berretty as a villa. It lies in the northern part of Bandung, overlooking the city to south and the Tangkuban Perahu mountain to the north. Villa Isola and its 2 gardens have a magnificent design by its architect, combining the unique landscape and the Indo-European architectural style. This monumental art was later used for a hotel, named Hotel de Luxe. Now it serves as UPI’s (Indonesia University of Education) headmastership building.
  • Gedung Merdeka, Jl. Asia-Afrika 65 (near alun-alun or city square). Architect: Van Gallen Last and C.P.W Schoemaker. Built in 1895 for a club house for rich people, named the Concordia Society. In 1955, this building was famous as the first Asian-African conference venue. Now it is a museum for that conference.
  • Savoy Homann Hotel, Jl. Asia-Afrika 112, ☎ +62 22 4232244. it was built in 1880, renovated in 1938 by a Dutch architect A.F. Aabers with an art-deco style as it is seen today. It still serves a hotel until now. The King and Queen of Siam, The Prince and Queen of Belgium, The Governor General of Indo-China, The Duchess of Westminster and even Charles Chaplin had stayed there three times. You can also still stay in this hotel and enjoying the old colonial time.
  • Grand Hotel Preanger, Jl. Asia-Afrika 81.It has two sides: the old facade and the modern wing side. The old facade has an interesting story, as C.P.W. Schoemaker designed the art-deco style that is blended with local culture. It was a controversial issue at that time, but that gives a unique style.
  • Gedung Sate, Bandung. Gedung Sate, Jl. Diponegoro. Architect: J. Gerber, built in 1921. It was used as the head of the Dutch Indies Government Companies. The roof has a decoration of a popular satay food as now it is famous for the name, though it was not meant to be like that. In fact, it is a 6 ornaments, symbolizing 6 million guldens, the cost of the building. Now, the complex is the office of West Java governor and the local provincial house of representatives. Interestingly, this building mixes different architectural styles: Spanish Moorish style for the windows, Italian renaissance for the over all building, and between Balinese pura & Thai’s pagoda for the roof. The facade faces directly to the Mt. Tangkubanperahu. The building is open for public, and at the end of the journey inside, you can sip a nice hot bajigur drink while watching the city view from the top floor.
  • Cipaganti Mosque, Jl. Cipaganti. Architect: C.P.W. Schoemaker, built in 1933. It was the only mosque that was built in the European residential area in the northern part of Bandung. The central facade still has the original design, but the mosque has been expanded to both of its side.
  • ITB West and East Hall (Aula Barat & Timur ITB), Jl. Ganesha 10. ITB is Institute Technology Bandung, the oldest institute of technology in Indonesia. It was built in 1918 by the architect Maclaine Pont. The most prominent Dutch East Indian architecture is the West and East Hall of this institute, where a West Sumatran style of architecture was used.

Arts & Science

Bandung has been the melting point between the local Sundanese culture and the high-end technology developed at the Institute Technology Bandung. There are some interesting places to visit:

  • Saung Angklung Udjo, Jl. Padasuka 118, (around 7km from Bandung), [17]. Angklung is a traditional South-East Asian musical instrument, made by bamboo. Udjo Nalagena, a famous angklung artist, created an Angklung House in the outskirt of Bandung, where angklung is made, learned and played. You can enjoy an angklung orchestra played by 12 year old or less children or even be a part of this orchestra, holding one of the angklung instruments. The place is in the middle of padi terrace and bamboo field, a perfect location to feel the relaxedness of a small village. It is one of the famous travel destinations among westerners and is highly recommended.. The easiest way is to rent a car to go there or ask your travel agent if there is a program to visit this place.
  • Bosscha Observatory, Jl. Peneropongan Bintang, Lembang. ☎ +62 22 2786001. [18], built in 1923 by Nederlandsch-Indische Sterrekundige Vereeniging (Assoc. of Dutch-Indies Astronomers) is the only observatory in Indonesia. It lies in Lembang, a small suburb city in the northern part of Bandung. It is now part of the Dept. of Astronomy, Institute Technology Bandung. To visit there, ask the department administration first for a reservation.
  • Reservation must be made 1 month before.
  • Bosscha is closed on national holidays, Sunday and Monday.
  • Day visit at 9:00, 12:00 (except Friday at 13:00) and 15:00.
  • ublic night (17:00-19:30), between April-October, with some presentations and demos. Ask there for a specific date as this public night is open at the 7th & 8th of the lunar month.
  • Special visit can be arranged, subject to their availability.
  • Geological Museum, Jl. Diponegoro 57, (near Gedung Sate complex). ☎ +62 22 7203205. Houses 250,000 rocks, a mineral collection, and 60,000 fossils. There are 3 major rooms in the museums: the geology of Indonesia, the history of life and the geology of human life. The building itself has an art-deco style, built in 1928 by a Dutch architect Wnalda van Scholtwenburg. Location:
    Visiting time: every day 09:00-15:00 except Friday. Price: Free. Recommended museum by locals.
  • Sri Baduga Maharaja Museum, Jl. Badan Kemanan Rakyat (BKR) No. 185, Tegallega, Bandung – 40243 ☎ +62 22 5210976. The museum is located on southern side of Tegallega square, south from city center. The museum is the state museum of West Java province. Opened since 1980, the museum houses historical and archaeological relics of West Java history; dated from the era of Tarumanagara, Galuh, to Sunda Pajajaran kingdom, also displaying ethnography of Sundanese culture.
    Visiting time: Monday-Friday 08:00-15:00, Saturday-Sunday 08:00-14:00.
  • Pos dan Giro Museum Inside the East Building of Gedung Sate
  • Mandala Wangsit Siliwangi Museum, located in Jl. Lembong 28, Bandung, is a military and weaponry museum depicting the history of Indonesian struggle for independence 1945-1949 and beyond. The museum building originally was a colonial heritage building built in 1910 as Dutch East Indies’ Militaire Akademie.

See & Do - Buy - Sleep in Bandung
See & Do – Buy – Sleep in Bandung


There are many activities that you can do in the city or outside the city. As Bandung highland is surrounded by a string of mountains. Activities in the outskirts of the city are centred about the mountain resorts, adventure activities and outdoor sports. In the city, you can have culinary activities (see the Eat section) as there are so many food varieties, shopping with many clothing outlets and distros (see the Buy section) or just hanging around.

  • Saturday night at Jalan Dago. Every Saturday night, teenagers and youngsters are hanging around at Jalan Dago. The street stretches from Holiday Inn Hotel in the south and a few blocks to the north until Simpang Dago. The street is crowded with modified cars with loud music. Don’t bring your own car if you don’t want to get stuck in a traffic jam. Just walk and watch these hip-hop youngsters. There are some cafes and chic restaurants in the street that you can sit in. Don’t forget to buy some grilled sweet or hot-chili corn that is sold at the street stalls. The party usually lasts until midnight.
  • Sunday morning at Gasibu Park. After having a party on Saturday night, wake up very early in the morning around 5-7AM. Go to Gasibu park at the front of the Gedung Sate complex and wear your sportswear. At the park, you can go jogging and do some stretching, and after you finish, food stalls are already waiting for you with a lot of food varieties. People’s favourites are dim sum ceker (a chicken foot cooked like a dim sum) and nasi liwet (a rice cooked with coconut milk and served with chicken and other vegetables). In the walking distance, there is a famous yoghurt drink cafe with a nice and relaxing setting at Jl Cisangkuy.
  • Lembang trip. A trip to the north of Bandung cannot be missed. Rent a car and start to go at the very early in the morning to Lembang, an uphill resort city.
  • On the way to Lembang, you can make a sidetrip to Bosscha, the only observatorium in Indonesia. Please make sure you have made a reservation and take a note on its opening hours.
  • Continue your journey to Lembang and stop at one of the food stall that sells fresh milk. You can drink fresh milk with many flavours. The milk is really fresh. While this stop is interesting, it it not extraordinary in that they serve only fresh milk (strawberry, mocca flavoured) and some poor quality bread sandwiches. Stop if you need a break, give it a miss if you do not.
  • Go to the Mt. Tangkuban Perahu. Go circling around Kawah Ratu (Queen’s crater) to see the volcanic activity closely. There are other craters: Kawah Upas and Kawah Domas. Beware of the tourist hawkers who sell many things at unreasonably expensive prices. From August 2012 until further notice, Directorate of Vulcanology and Mitigation announced that 1.5 kilometers radius from Kawah Ratu might be danger for everybody. From September 3, 2012 until further notice, local authority closed Mt. Tangkuban Perahu area for visitors because of afraid of undetected harmful gas.
  • Continue the journey to Sari Ater, a hot water spring complex. On the way, there is a good Sundanese restaurant, named Sindang Reret, that you can stop by for your lunch.s Read further down for details on visiting Kawah Domas.
  • Sari Ater [19] is a resort with natural hot water spring pools, some recreation parks and healthy spas. Stay overnight and have a good dinner at their restaurant. This hot spring has shallow pools some with lukewarm and some with hot spring water for you to soak. There is a restaurant serving food just adjacent to the pools.
  • On the way back to Bandung, take a stop at a street food stall and have some grilled ‘sweet corns or grilled ketan (sticky rice) while enjoying the view of the tea plantation.
  • Ram fighting: Villages around Bandung host ram fights on alternate Sundays. It’s a big event for locals who turn out in their hundreds to watch 5-minute bouts between prize fighter male sheep. Tournaments are held in purpose-built rings in outlying villages. Best to hire a motorbike/guide in Bandung who knows when and where the next tournament is on. Ram fighting is not a blood sport but animal lovers may be upset at the sight of the fights, which are organised and refereed rather like boxing matches.
  • Kawah Putih (2,430 meters), about 50 km south of Bandung (Travel south through Ciwidey), [20]. Kawah Putih is a striking crater lake and tourist spot in a volcanic crater around 50 km to the south of Bandung. Expect quite lengthy drive from the city centre. Allocate at least more than half day to visit this crater lake. The admission fee is not as cheap as other tourist spot, but the scenery is breathtaking and out of this world.  edit
  • Burangrang Street Culinary, Jl Burangrang (This road is two-way accessible by car. You can get in from Lingkar Selatan street from south or from ahmad yani street from north.). Burangrang street was officially inaugurated as culinary street by the city mayor on 7 June 2008. In this street you can find many kiosk, cafes, restos and street food stalls or hawkers (more than 60), selling various food of local culinary. However, 70% of the food served are heavy meals, with the price varying. The place is clean of litters. Some of the food stalls in Burangrang street are: Sate Maranggi 77 (satay), Ketan Susu 77 (milk sticky rice), fried foods, Bajigur bandrek 77 (bajigur: local specialty drink with ginger), Nasi Rames Pak Anas (a kind of mixed rice), pujasera, martabak san fransisco (local style mutabbaq), bubur ayam pelana (chicken porridge), kebab lovers, pempek sari sanjaya (fish paste), Nasi Goreng Jabrig (nasi goreng), Pisang goreng simanalagi (fried banana), bakpao BPI (steamed bun), nasi pecel madium cak tembong (rice with nuts sauce), batagor riri (fish paste), batagor athong (fish paste), batagor burangrang (fish paste), bakso tahu saboga (toufu meatball), bakso tahu putri (toufu meatball), cafe ngopi doeloe, bakso malang enggal (meatball), serabi kinca dan oncom (indonesian sweet pancake), sate padang pariaman mansyur (satay), roti bakar si kumis (grilled bread), etc.


The ticket prices are based on the days, in which Monday as the cheapest ticket price, and weekends as the most expensive

  • Blitzmegaplex, Paris Van Java Mall, Jl. Sukajadi 136-139.☎ +62 820 63630. 9 screens. Ticket price: Rp 15,000-22,000-27,000
  • BSM XXI, Bandung Supermall Lt. 3, Jl. Jend Gatot Subroto. ☎ +62 22 612 6521. 5 screens. Ticket price: Rp 15,000-25,000
  • BTC XXI, Bandung Trade Center Lt. P-2/3, Jl Dr. Djundjunan no. 143-149. ☎ +62 22 910 1121. 5 screens. Ticket price: Rp 10,000-15,000
  • Braga 21, Braga City Walk Lt. 2, Jl. Braga 99-101. Telp. (022) 844 60121. 3 screens. Ticket price: Rp 10,000
  • CiWalk XXI, Cihampelas Walk Lt. 4, Jl. Cihampelas 160. 8 screens. Ticket price: Rp 15,000-25,000
  • CiWalk XXI The Premiere, Cihampelas Walk Lt. 4, Jl. Cihampelas 160. 2 screens. Ticket price: Rp 50,000
  • Empire 21, Bandung Indah Plaza Lt. 3, Jl. Merdeka 56. ☎ +62 22 424 0719. 6 screens. Ticket price: Rp 15,000
  • Galaxy 21, Jl. Kepatihan. ☎ +62 22 420 8143. 6 screens. Ticket price: Rp 9,000-13,000
  • Jatos 21, Jatinangor Town Square, Jl. Raya Jatinangor No. 150. ☎ +62 22 8792 0089. 5 screems. Ticket price: Rp 10,000 – 15,000
  • Nusantara 21, Jl. Alun-Alun Timur No. 3-7. ☎+62 22 4237 040. 4 screens. Ticket price: Rp 8,000 – 10,000
  • Regent 21, Jl. Sumatra 2. ☎ +62 22 423 6370. 3 screens. Ticket price: Rp 8,000-10,000

 Outdoor activities

  • Alun-alun Bandung or city square. Alun-alun is the classical central core of the democratic city in Indonesia, since the 15th century. It is typically a square of grass field with 4 sides are the city major residence, pendopo (a place to meet between citizens and the government), a mosque and a prison. The grand mosque is still visible, though it has been renovated 7 times. Now, it has undergone a major renovation and expansion with two 81 m high minarets and a Taj Mahal interior design. The pendopo is also still there, behind a high wall. The prison has been transformed into a mall with one block is preserved as a museum, a cell block where Soekarno, the first president of Indonesia, spent some time in there. The major transition is that now alun-alun serves as an entertainment park, where shopping mall buildings are surrounding the square.
  • Bandung Zoo, Jl. Kebun Binatang No. 6. ☎ +62 22 2502770. Built in 1930.
  • Mt. Tangkuban Perahu. Is on the northern side of Bandung, the closest city is Lembang. (Angkot route: St. Hall-Lembang). You can see it from a distance at many places in Bandung but a tour to Bandung will not be complete without visiting the crater. If you are in Bandung, take a look towards the north keeping an eye out for a mountain of unusual shape. The name itself comes from the local legend of Sangkuriang (“Legenda Sangkuriang”) The legend is based upon a disobedient son who kicks his boat upside-down and was then transformed into stone. Hence the name of this mountain. Tangkubanflipped and perahu boat. It is still an active volcanic mountain. The crater is reachable by car and it is fun to do hiking to the top by foot from Lembang. Elevation is 2,084 m above sea level and the path from Lembang is not too steep. At the crater, there is a tourist spot. Near the main crater is another amazing site, ‘Kawah Upas’, where you stand between two big craters, to the left and to the right. Entrance fee to the park is Rp 50,000 for foreigners . When you reach Tangkuban Perahu, the first thing you’ll see (and most popular) is the main crater (Kawah Ratu). One crater is dormant, but has a side vent that emits some smoke. The scenery below the mountain is worth a visit. But don’t stop there. Many viitors miss this but it’s probably the best part of Tangkuban Perahu.
    • Getting to Tangkuban PerahuFrom Bandung Indah Plaza (BIP), take an ‘angkot’ heading to “CICAHEUM – LEDENG”. The angkot will stop at Terminal Ledeng (Rp 3,000). From the terminal, take a mini van or ‘Elep’ towards Subang and get down at Tangkuban Perahu (Rp 12,000). From the entrance of Tangkuban Perahu, it’s another 4-5 km hike up on a really bad road. You can often hire a local ‘motorcycle cab’ (local drivers are often waiting nearby) to take you up. If you can ride a motorcycle, it’s a lot easier to rent one to get there.In 2012, several times Tangkuban Perahu is suddenly closed by so many vendors whom don’t want to organize and everyone want to be a vendor without any regulation at Tangkuban Perahu and even they want to operate all the Tangkuban Perahu site area by themself.Juanda Forest Park or Dago Pakar (Taman Hutan Raya ir. H. Juanda). It is a forest park and serves as a water reservoir catchment area for the city. There are some interesting parks for children or to have a picnic. There are also some old WWII caves used during the Japanese occupation in the 1940s. Some people walk through the forest to reach Maribaya park in Lembang. This is at the end of Jalan Dago. The Angkot routes are Abd. Muis-Dago and followed by walking or take a ride by motorcycle.Puncrut-Lembang Hiking trail. Started from Puncrut, Jl. Kiputih, North Bandung.There are guided tours to Perahu, but charges are Rp250,000 per person (including entrance charges), so if you are 2 persons or more, it is worth hiring a car for about Rp500,000 for the day (entrance charges are extra).
  • Kawah Domas. A 30 min walk from Kawah Ratu, trek 1.3 km down to Kawah Domas to get upclose and personal with volcanic activity. It is compulsory to hire a registered guide to walk you down to this active crater. They will charge Rp 250,000/hr. To visit the Kawah Domas and walk to the car park at Kawah Domas down the hill from Kawah ratu is approx 1 hr 30 min. It will be more if you indulge in mud massages, egg boiling or similar. Walk around Kawah Ratu on your own and only then get a guide if you feel you need one. Take note that the people selling tourist items will possibly hassle you. Politely tell them not to follow if you are not going to buy anything. Tourists are often pestered to retain a guide or to buy souvenirs. After finishing you do not need to walk back to Kawah ratu which makes life much easier. The walk to Kawah Domas looks like hell on earth and it is a must-do experience with bubbling mud, boiling hot water and hissing sulphur vapour. You can smell the sulfur, watch the hot water springs very closely or even buy a boiled egg cooked on the hot surface.Now there is an alterntive way to go Kawah Domas in less pain and without guide. After seeing Kawah Ratu, go down the mountain to parkir Kawah Domas (the Kawah Domas car park). Walk from here to Kawah Domas. You will still have to pay for the registered guide cpstomg Rp250,000 to enter to Kawah Domas. The walk is less tiring than the walk down from Kawah ratu, this may be better for the less fit.


Shopping for clothing and accessories is the main reason many weekend visitors travel from Jakarta. Many items are less expensive than in Jakarta. Denim (jeans) stores are along Jl. Cihampelas. These became very popular in the 90s with unique facades built to attract people. The more up-market fashion stores include the many emporiums on Jl. Dago and Jl. Riau. Sisa exports (rejected export products), and factory outlets are prolific and have a very wide range of export quality items. These are sometimes available in the larger sizes that may be suitable for some visitors. A new trend are the distro (distribution outlets). Luxury labels are often available but for those the extensive upmarket malls in Jakarta may be more suitable with a much larger range, however they are often more expensive.

Local Handicrafts and Souvenirs

  • Wayang Golek, is a Sundanese puppet show. Unlike Javanese wayang puppet, wayang golek is made from wood. Find wayang golek at Galeri Cupumanik, Jl. Haji Umar.
  • Angklung, is a Sundanese ethnical music instrument (see at See section).
  • Elizabeth, Jl. Otto Iskandar Dinata 520, ☎ +62 22 5201125. Leather handicrafts, including shoes, bags and other accessories. Well-known local shoe and leather craft outlets are centred in the Cibaduyut area.
  • Jeans Street, Jl. Cihampelas. A lot of denim shops decorated with funky designs. Giant models of Superman, Goku, Rambo and others, stand guard over some of the shops.
  • Souvenir Shop, Jl. Cihampelas no.39. ☎ +62 22 4205427. Very good quality and inexpensive local souvenirs. The shop in one of the many old Dutch colonial style buildings.
  • Toko Sin Sin, Jl. Braga 59, ☎ +62 22 4238574. Sells various high quality handicraft and souvenirs, including wayang golek (wood puppet), wayang kulit (leather puppet), angklung, leather and crocodile skin handicraft (mostly bags, wallets, and belts), wood carvings, Indonesian traditional silverworks, paintings, and even Indonesian furniture. This is a shop with very long history, started even before Indonesia gained independence.
  • LORI, Jl. Guntur 1, ☎ +62 22 7315604, Fax: +62 22 7311459. Ethnic contemporary styled jewellery and handicraft accessories for women and men. Product use natural, environment friendly materials such as stones, cowstone, woods, seeds and Rudrakash/Ganitrus Beads.

Shopping Malls

  • Alun-alun. Centre of the city. In the alun-alun area there are many shopping malls, but they are rather old.
  • Cihampelas Walk, (Ciwalk), Jl. Cihampelas. Shopping, dining and hanging out in a cozy and relaxing atmosphere.
  • Bandung Electronic Centre, (BEC), Jl. Purnawarman 13-15.  Specialising in electronic devices.
  • Bandung Indah Plaza, (BIP), Jl. Merdeka 56. Food court, cinema.
  • Trans Studio Mall, (TSM; formerly Bandung Supermal), Jl. Gatot Subroto 289. Food court, cinema. Also offers you high class clothing stores such as Hugo Boss, Raoul, Next, Mango, Guess, Esprit, and many more.
  • Bandung Trade Center, Jl. Terusan Pasteur 143. Food Court.
  • Braga City Walk, Jl. Braga.  Shops, restaurants and cafes. This famous historical street still maintains old colonial style buildings.
  • Istana Plaza, Jl. Pasirkaliki 121 – 123.  Free wireless internet, assisted taxi stand, cinema, shopping reward programs, and ice skating ring.
  • Kings Shopping Centre, 1 & 2, Jl. Kepatihan. Food court, fashion, cinema.
  • Setrasari Plaza, Jl. Surya Sumantri 120. Food court. Near universities.
  • Paris Van Java Mall, Jl Sukajadi.  An attractive atmosphere with a mixed environment of outdoor and indoor mall. Carrefour, a mega international style supermarket, Gramedia, a giant bookstore, cafe, bistros. Both smaller shops and high end clothing stores such as MNG, Guess, H.O.B., and Esprit can be found here.
  • Pasar Baru Trade Center, Jl Otto Iskandar Dinata. 08.00am – 05.00pm. Pasar baru is one of the most visited fashion shopping center in Bandung. Pasar baru is the oldest modern market that still exist until today with 8 storeys of shops. Mostly sells fashion and clothings such as garment, textile, shoes, bags, batik clothes, casual clothes, bed cover, muslim clothes, lace, jibab, kebaya (Betawi traditional cloth), muslim apparels, wedding accessories, etc. Clothes are from low quality to superior quality. Price is known to be cheap compared to other places in Bandung. Haggling prices can be done.
  • Kepatihan Plaza, Jl. Kepatihan. Fashion, supermarket and food court.
  • Istana Building Commodities Centre, Jl. Jendral Ahmad Yani. Building materials, electronics, computers.
  • Bandung Electronic Mall, Jl. Naripan. Electronics, computers, cellphones and food court.
  • Planet Dago, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda. Cellphones, bowling court.
  • Plaza Dago, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda. Fashion, ice skate court, food court.
  • Metro Indah Mall, (former Metro Trade Centre) Kompleks MTC Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 590, ☎ +62 22 7538448, +62 22 7537577.
  • Mall Lingkar Selatan, Jl. Peta. Supermarket, food court.
  • Jatinangor Town Square, Jl. Raya Jatinangor. Shopping mall in eastern Bandung.
  • Plaza Pajajaran, Jl. Raya Jatinangor.
  • Cimahi Mall, Jl. Gandawijaya. The first shopping mall in Cimahi.
  • Mall IITC Kopo, Jl. Kopo. Cellphones and food court.
  • Bandung Trade Mall, Jl. Kiaracondong.
  • Lucky Square, Jl. Terusan Jakarta.
  • Plaza Cimahi, Jl. Raya Cibabat. A newer shopping mall in Cimahi.

Factory outlets

During the quality inspection, some of the products may have been been rejected, or the local manufacturers may have overrun their production quota. These residual products are sold with sisa export tags, because they were made for export. Some of these items have Grade A (best quality, but overrun product) or Grade B (export quality, but do not pass QC) qualities. Don’t be surprised to see made in Korea or made in Singapore in their tags. Sometimes you will see the original price, such as US$65, but they may sell it for Rp 45,000, a fraction of the list price in the destination market.

Enjoy bargain hunting but make a careful inspection yourself. Check for below-standard/damaged items. Beware also for the fake products with branded name. The shops often have a wide range of modern contemporary styles and accessories. Some stores may have a small food court.

Most of factory outlets are concentrated in Jl. Riau, Jl. Dago (Jl. Ir. H. Juanda) and around Jl.Sukajadi-Jl.Setiabudi area.

Factory outlets in Jl. Riau:

  • Heritage (inside an old historical building)
  • Cascade
  • Summit (Also have a cafe (Dailycious cafe) that sells the famous batagor, siomay, oxtails, noodles and fresh juices)
  • Oasis
  • Metropolitan
  • Renaritti
  • Secret
  • Terminal Tas
  • Edward Forrer
  • Stamp.

Factory outlets in Jl. Dago:

  • Rich & Famous
  • Coconel
  • Glamour
  • Blossom
  • Uptown (also opens a cafe that sells good chicken noodle and famous for the strawberry juice)
  • Dago Stock Centre
  • Morning Dew
  • Justine.

Around Jl. Sukajadi – Jl. Setiabudi:

  • Rumah Mode Jl. Setiabudi 41F
  • Diaz, Jl. Sederhana, mostly handbags

Other places:

  • Batian Jl. Otto Iskandardinata 535, you can find used and new items here
  • Stock Center Jl. Sukarno Hatta
  • Cargo Jl. Diponegoro
  • Cosmo Jl. Pelajar Pejuang 45
  • The Big Price Cut (The first factory outlet in Bandung) Jl. Aceh

Distros (distribution outlets)

Distros are a new phenomenon in Bandung where a shop sells stylish products that were made by local designers. They are served as a distribution store, because these local designers do not have their own marketing label yet. The products that are sold are books, indie label records, magazines and also fashion products and accessories. After their products receive large attention they may then release their own clothing label. There are more than 200 local brand names in Bandung. One thing that makes distros stand out from factory outlet is that distros come from individual designers and young entrepeneurs, while factory outlet products come from a garment factory.

Note that now distros are getting famous in Indonesia. The local branded name with free and independent motivation has been shifted. Be careful when buying in distros as the prices are increasing to a level almost the same as at boutique shops.

Some of the Bandung distros:

  • unkl347, Jl. Trunojoyo 4
  • Invictus,Jl.Pager gunung 13 and Jl.Trunojoyo 6
  • Ouval Research, Jl. Buah Batu 64
  • No Label, Jl. Sumatra 24, Blackjack, Jl. Trunojoyo
  • Screamous, Jl. Trunojoyo
  • Badger, Jl. Trunojoyo
  • Airplane,”starseeker”,”oglea”, “Blankwear” Jl. Sultan Agung
  • Cosmic, Jl. Trunojoyo
  • Green Light, Bandung Indah Plaza Lt. 2 and Jl. Buah Batu
  • Temple, Jl. Dipatiukur
    Skaters, Bandung Indah Plaza Lt. 2, Jl. Cihampelas and Jl. Raya Lembang
  • Black ID, Jl. Lombok and Paris Van Java Mall.
  • cumaSegini, Jl. Swadaya.Distro Bandung


Bandung is a heaven for food lovers who enjoy new experiences. There are a lot of varieties, not only local cuisine but international ones. You can find any food you want for any kind of taste. Do note, that most eateries in Bandung focus on creating new variations, not making sure it tastes good.

Everybody has their own favourites. One page is not enough to list all food stalls, food courts, restaurants and cafes in Bandung. Here are some lists that are popular or have a long history.

Local Delicacies

  • Bakso Tahu / Siomay is a steamed meat with or without tofu. It is served with peanut paste, sweet soy sauce and a lime. It is suitable for a snack to eat at anytime. In almost all streets you can find somebody selling this food with a wheeled stall (gerobak). The popular place is called Siomay Pak Lili at Jl. Geger Kalong Girang that has sold this food for 15 years.
  • Batagor is similar to bakso tahu/siomay but it is fried instead of being steamed. It is served similar with peanut paste and sweet soy sauce. Served also as a snack. Legends are Kingsley at Jl. Veteran, selling this food already for 28 years, Batagor Riri [29] at Jl. Burangrang 41 (in front of the BCA building), Batagor Haji Isan at Jl. Bojongloa, Batagor Haji Darto at Pasar Simpang Dago, and Dailycious Batagor at the Summit Factory Outlet JL. RE. Martadinata (Riau) 61.
  • Basreng is a spicy snack made from fried meatballs, with the addition of the spicy and savory seasonings suitable for you. You can also buy it from online on Ruang Jualan.
  • Martabak is a fried stuffed pancake. There are two types: sweet and savory. Sweet martabak is a thick pancake stuffed with chocolate/cheese/banana/sugar. The savory martabak is a thin fried pancake stuffed with eggs, some vegetables, mushrooms, chicken/beef and one filled with sweet corn and cheese. The most popular ones are Martabak Lodaya and Martabak San Fransisco at Jl. Lodaya. Another recommended place is Martabak Andir at Jl. Jendral Sudirman, near the Andir wet market. One more best martabak which should not be forgotten is Martabak Canada at Jl. Kebon Kawung near the Pertamina outlet.
  • Soto Bandung is a soup with beef meat, soy beans and some vegetables. The old food stalls selling this food is at Soto Ojolali, Jl. Cibadak (near alun-alun), since 1940s.
  • Lotek is a mixed boiled vegetables, served with peanut paste and some chillies, similar to gado gado. The hotter the better. The famous place is Lotek Kalipah Apo, Jl. Kalipah Apo, every day 9AM-16PM. Have been selling this food for already 48 years. One plate is around Rp 4,500.
  • Mie Kocok is a noodle soup, served with beef foot, beef skin and tauge or mung bean sprout. If you don’t fancy with these parts of beef, then you can ask not to have it and you can still taste its appetite. The famous place is a street vendor, Mie Kocok SKM, at Jl. Sunda.
  • Mie Ayam is a noodle soup served with chicken and it comes with a variety of toppings. The famous place is at Mie Naripan in Jl. Naripan, they serve varieties of good noodles there. Another good place is at Bakmi Mangkok Mas in Jl. Setiabudhi.
  • Nasi Timbel is the famous Sundanese dish. It is a tube-shaped rice that has a distinguish flavour, because it is cooked inside a banana leaf. It is usually served with lalapan (raw vegetables), fried tofu & tempe, fried chicken and chili paste. You can find this type of dish in most of Sundanese restaurants. The well-known timbel food stall is located nearby Istiqomah mosque. Another good place is at Nasi Timbel Dago at Jl. Dago for around Rp 20,000.-
  • Laksa Bandung is the famous old traditional dish. This dish is kind of chicken soup using coconut milk with turmeric for the stock, and in side it contains sliced rice cake (cooked inside a banana leaf), bean sprout, vermicelli, shredded chicken and for the finishing is garnished with holly basil and Oncom Bandung the traditional fermented soy bean cake. The well-known laksa vendor is located at the junction of Jl. Pungkur and Lengkong Pondok Laksa is very appetising and one plate costs around Rp 7,000,-

Legendary Eateries

  • Sate Kardjan, Jl. Pasirkaliki, open 24 hr daily . Lamb satay speciality, since 1970. Try sate buntel (a grilled minced lamb meat), tongseng (lamb meat in a coconut milk soup), nasi goreng kambing (fried rice with lamb) or sate cempe (satay from 10 month old lamb). We visited this place after much trouble to find it, and found that the sate is average and the ambience wanting. Not worth the trip to find this place.
  • Bakmi Naripan, Jl. Naripan 108 (around the corner of Jl. Sunda and Jl. Naripan), Bandung, ☎ +62 22 4205516, a Indonesian Chinese noodle establishment since 1960’s.
  • Bubur Ayam Mang Oyo, Jl. Sulanjana (near Gasibu) and several branches. It’s a chicken porridge. Nice for starting your day.
  • Kedai Ma’ Uneh, Jl. Terasana I No. 132 Pajajaran. It’s in an alley in front of Pajajaran sport complex. Delicious Sundanese food.
  • Baso Lela, Jl. Awiligar, everyday open until 9PM. On the a hill side with a nice view to the city. Try yamien, a dried boiled noodle, mixed with soy sauce. There are sweet yamien and salt yamien. Try also chicken noodle and the strawberry juice as a dessert.
  • Santosa, Jl. Aceh, everyday open from 5PM-9:30PM. A hawker with open air eating. Open since the 1960s. Try the fried kway teow/noodle/rice. They use a special wok to enhance the taste. Located opposite of the municipal office, near KONI Jabar dorm.
  • Waroeng Boentoet, Jl. Anggrek No. 48, Bandung (near Jl. RE Martadinata/Riau). It is the only restaurant in Bandung that specialized in a traditional heritage of delicious oxtail soup with the legendary taste sensation of the essence of spices. The Waroeng is decorated in a nice and simple vintage theme, with a very good service and affordable price that will provide its customers a high level of dine in satisfaction. Try some of its specialties like oxtail soup, oxtail teriyaki, oxtail barbeque, oxtail black pepper, oxtail chili penyet, fruits salad, black sticky rice milkshake, vegetable-fruit juice, and purple yam juice. This place is a must. Easy to find and good prices for excellent food.

Chic Restaurants

For those who want a breathtaking view, eat in a local Sundanese village or have romantic international cuisine. Don’t expect the taste to be half as good as the view and experience though.

  • Kampung Daun, Jl Sersan Bajuri Km 4.7 No 88 Villa Trinity Complex (you need to drive there with your own car ). Sundanese food. You eat at a hut in the middle of valley (no padi fields) near a small waterfall and river. At night it’s really amazing to walk along candlelit pathways. Eating out really means eating out here. The atmosphere here is enchanting and magical. Lots of trees, bushes and secluded “pondok” small huts for relaxing and food, cool as it is set in a valley with the sound of running water from the waterfall beside you. Food prices are higher than in Bandung or even other high end restaurants cause you need to cover the cost of the use of the huts.
  • fashion pasta: Italian Style Living Restaurant, Jl Resor Dago Pakar No 18 A ( International place for lunch and dining . Try all original the best Italian food, from Antipasti, Pizza, Salad , Soup, Pasta , Main Course , Dessert ). ph +62 22 2516101/ +62 22 72221014
  • Sierra Cafe & Lounge, Jl. Bukit Pakar no 33. Located on the hill of Dago Pakar in Bandung, Sierra delivers a relaxing and indulging ambience with a breathtaking view of Bandung’s city lights. International cuisines include Western, Japanese and Thai).
  • N Cafe, Jl. Sutra Duta Kencana II/11. Balinese & European cuisines, with great scenery, try the balinese fried duck.
  • Kedai Nyonya Rumah, Jl. Naripan 92. Indonesian cuisine.
  • Tizis Restaurant, Jl. Kidang Pananjung 3. European dishes with homemade bread and pastries.
  • Atmosphere Cafe, Jl. Lengkong Besar No. 97, ☎ +62 22 4262815.
  • The Peak Resort Dining, Komplek Girandah Desa Karyawangi, Ciwaruga, Parongpong, ☎ +62 22 2705429
  • Congo Gallery & Cafe, Jl. Rancakendal Luhur No.8, Dago Pakar, ☎ +62 22 2531065. This venue is famous with its romantic ambience and solid wood collections. The price is not as expensive as other same class restaurant.
  • The Stone Cafe, Jl. Rancakendal Luhur No.5 (Gerbang Dago Resort), Dago Atas, ☎ +62 22 2500577.
  • The Valley Bistro, Jl. Lembah Pakar Timur No. 28 (Dago) , ☎ +62 22 2531052.
  • The View Restaurant, Jl Resort Dago Pakar Raya No. 28, ☎ +62 22 2531198 , fax: +62 22 2531196

 Sundanese Restaurants

  • Sunda is the ethnic name of the local people living in West Java. Sundanese food has some distinctive features. It mainly consists of fried fish, pepes ikan (steamed fish in a banana leaf), raw vegetables and chili pastes. To try these type of foods there are numerous Sundanese restaurants. Some of the popular ones have several branches in Bandung.
  • Tojoyo, Jl Prabudimuntur 22 (Jembatan Layang Surapati), ☎ +62 22 4203682
  • Dago Panyawangan, Jl Dago 137, ☎ +62 22 2507551.
  • Sindang Reret, Jl. Surapati No. 53, ☎ +62 22 2501474. Another branch is outside the city in the north at Jl. Raya Cikole Km.22 Lembang, ☎ +62 22 2786500. The better one is the branch restaurant .
  • Ponyo, Jl. Malabar 60, ☎ +62 22 7301477. There are many branches outside the city.
  • AA Laksana, Jl. Soekarno Hatta 494, ☎ +62 22 7509303. There are 2 other branches at Jl. Jakarta 21 and Jl. Cihampelas 30. A big self-service eatery with long tables already filled with plates of food. Take what you want and ask the server to count the plates when finished.
  • Ampera, The famous Sundanese restaurant in Bandung with cheap price and lot of branch. Jl. Sukarno Hatta (Cigereleng), Jl. Sukarno Hatta (Sanggar Hurip), Jl. Sukarno Hatta (Metro), Jl. Pajajaran, Jl. Pungkur, Jl. Dewi Sartika (Kebon Kalapa), Jl. Taman Citarum, Kepatihan Plaza and Jl. Raya Lembang. When we ate at Ampera on Angerrek, food was cold and tasteless.
  • Saung Kabayan, Jl. Dr. Djunjunan.
  • Raja Sunda, Jl. Dr. Djunjunan.
  • Sambel Cibiuk, Jl. Merak.
  • Bumbu Desa, newer and more prestigious Sundanese traditional restaurant, branch in Bandung can be located at Jl. Laswi No. 1, ☎ +62 22 7100539, Jl. Pasirkaliki No. 160, ☎ +62 22 4234330 and Rumah Mode Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 41, ☎ +62 22 91147980.
  • Ibu Haji Ciganea, famous sundanese food restaurant from Purwakarta, Bandung branch can be located at Jl. Lodaya No. 29, ☎ +62 22 7314291

Chinese Style Restaurants

  • The Duck King, Paris Van Java Mall, Jl. Sukajadi. Possibly the best Chinese restaurant in Bandung.
  • Golden Lake Chinese Restaurant, Jl.Setiabudhi 269-275, ☎ +62 22 2012610, [30]. 7AM-2PM, 6PM-10PM. Discount up to 30%, until Aug 31, 2011, Cantonese meals, yamcha/dimsum served by chef from Hongkong. edit
  • Eastern Restaurant, Istana Plaza Mall, at Upper Central Bandung Jl. Pasirkaliki. Halal Chinese Restaurant but very popular in Bandung
  • Grand Eastern Restaurant, Jalan Pasirkaliki No. 18 near Paskal Hypersquare and Bandung Train Station. ☎ +62 22 4200580
    JESS 2 DAGOChinese and Malay cuisine RestaurantJl.Ir.H.Djuanda 151 B.The place for : 2504893
  • Thai style restaurants
  • Coca Suki, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda (Dago) 173, [31]. A branch of the Coca restaurant in Thailand.
  • Thai Palace, in Istana Plaza Mall. Jl. PasirKaliki and another branch at Upper Dago Area on Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 345 B ☎ +62 22 2503006 ; +62 22 2512857.

Japanese and Korean Style Restaurants

  • Hanamasa, Istana Plaza. Jl. PasirKaliki. Jl. Merdeka 39-41. ☎ +62 22 4204426. Japanese restaurant with yakiniku, shabu-shabu, robatayaki, beef, chicken, seafood. Opening hours: 11AM-10PM. Approximately US$22/person.
  • Hoka Hoka Bento, Jl. Merdeka 47. ☎ +62 22 424 5494. Japanese Restaurant with ekkado, chicken katsu, sukiyaki, koori kon nyaku, shrimp ball, beef yakiniku, shabu-shabu, teriyaki, udon. Hours: 10AM-10PM. Price is approximately US$4/person. Branches : Bandung Electronic Center 3rd Fl., Bandung Trade Center 3rd Fl., Istana Plaza 3rd Fl., Mall IITC Kopo GF., Borma Jl. Terusan Jakarta No. 53E, Metro Indah Mall GF., Kings Shopping Center 1, 4th Fl., Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 61, Stasiun Bandung Jl. Kebon Kawung, Hero Jl. Buah Batu No. 237, Yogya Jl. Sunda No. 60 4th Fl.
  • Momiji Japanese Cuisine, Jl. Braga 64, ☎ +62 22 4203786. Serving authenthic Japanese cuisine in Jalan Braga, the famous historical street of Bandung.
  • Sushi Tei, Jl.Sumatra No.9. ☎ +62 22 4223181. Nice upscale restaurant that is cheaper than hotel restaurant but more expensive than average restaurant in Bandung. Famous for its sushi
  • Midori, Jl. Sultan Tirtayasa 31. ☎ +62 22 4260787. Similar price range with Sushi Tei. Its sashimi are thick
  • Korean House, at North Bandung on Jl. Sukajadi No. 175 ☎ +62 22 203 1626.

Western Restaurants

  • MYLK Steakhouse, Jalan Setiabudi 206. ☎ +62 22 2041191. European restaurant with local and imported Australian Steaks, burgers, pasta. Open 10AM-10PM (Weekdays), 11AM-11PM (Saturdays). US$4-12/person.
  • Chef’s Table Resto and Bar, Jalan Setiabudi 67. ☎ +62 22 2033453. European restaurant with selections of ribs, steaks, pasta, pizza with no MSG. Open untill 11PM. US$8-10/person.
  • Atmosphere Resort Cafe, Jalan Lengkong Besar 97. ☎ +62 22 4262815
  • Glosis Restaurant at Cihampelas Walk (Ciwalk). Jl. Cihampelas. Prices are approximately US$8/person
  • Vienna cafe & resto, Previously Cafe Venezia. Jl. Sukajadi 205. ☎ +62 22 2031277. Italian restaurant with pasta, pizza, fried chicken, salad, soup. 9AM-11PM. Approximately US$15/person.
  • Sadewa Steak Near Pajajaran, 5 min from Airport, 10 min from Railway Station. Jl. Sadewa 24, Bandung. Specialize European steak and pasta in a cozy environment. Open 4:30PM-10PM. Price: approx. US$4/person.
  • Canary. Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 28. ☎ +62 22 423 8928. International style restaurant withhamburger, steak, fried chicken, sate, soup, salad. Hours 7AM-9PM. Price: approx. US$7/person.
  • Pizza Hut, well known international brand for pizza with multiple outlets including; Indah Plaza GF, Mollis GF, Kings Shopping Center 2 GF, Bandung Supermall, Istana Plaza GF, Carrefour Kiaracondong, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi, Jl. Buah Batu, Jl. Kopo Bihbul and Jl. Ir. H. Juanda.
  • Burger King” at PVJ (Paris van Java) mall, Jl. Sukajadi
  • McDonalds, American fast food restaurant providing formulaic burgers and fried chicken at Bandung Indah Plaza GF, Premiere Plaza GF, Kings Shopping Center 2 GF, Kepatihan Plaza 3rd Fl, Istana Plaza Parking Ground, Istana Plaza 3rd Fl, Dago Boutique Apartment, Griya Jl. Buah Batu, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi, Jl. Jendral Gatot Subroto. Delivery ☎ 14045.
  • KFC, American fast food with a formulaic fried chicken style; Jl. Pajajaran No. 68, Jl. Buah Batu No. 189B, ☎ +62 22 7321887, Jl. RE. Martadinata No. 72, ☎ +62 22 4261465, Jl. Sukarno Hatta No. 423, ☎ +62 22 7562076, Jl. Kepatihan No. 19A, ☎ +62 22 4208660, Bandung Supermall, Bandung Trade Center GF, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 169, ☎ +62 22 2017616, Jl. Merdeka No. 27, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 40-42, ☎ +62 22 4218965, Jl. Kopo No. 599, Paris Van Java Mall GF, Metro Indah Mall GF,
  • The Stone Cafe, the unforgettable dining experience, Jl. Rancakendal Luhur No.5 (Gerbang Dago Resort), Dago Atas. ☎ +62 22 2500577. International style menu, Sundanese Menu, Chinese menu. Hours: 11AM-11PM on weekdays, 11AM-2AM on Sat and Sundays. Live music every Day.

Mexican Restaurants

  • Erla’s Mexican Cafe. Jl. Dago Pojok 3. opposite Sheraton Hotel @Ir. H. Juanda ☎ +62 250 5352. Owned by a local family, this cafe sells various western and mexican food, offer homey atmosphere and cheapest beers in town. Home for expatiate who are looking for evening chat and meet other tourist and foreigner. Price from 1USD/dish. open from 12pm till 3am.
  • Amigos Restaurant at Le’aries Garden Hotel. Jl. Terusan Pasteur Annex. ☎ +62 22 200 5401 (fax: +62 22 200 7406) [32]. Amigos Bandung is the biggest Mexican restaurant in Indonesia and one of the largest in South East Asia. It offers authentic Mexican cuisine and decoration. Price: approx. US6/person

Mediterranean Restaurants

  • Gaza Mediterranean Restaurant, Jl. Pahlawan 72 . ☎ +62 22 721 9361 [33]. Gaza is the one and the only Mediterranean restaurant in Bandung. It offers traditional North Africa, Middle East and West Europe Cuisine, healthy food combining and also vegetarian friendly. Price: approx. US6/person

Seafood Restaurants

  • HDL Jl. Cilaki. Street food in stalls on pedestrian area of the street. Reportedly very delicious and affordable but you need to take caution if you are not accustomed with street food in developing countries.
  • Praoe Seafood Jl Sumatera 31. Phone: +62-22-4215606
  • Parit 9 Seafood Jln Anggrek No 61 Bandung. Phone: +62-22-7103908
  • D’Cost seafood Budget no-frill seafood restaurant that has several branches in Bandung. One of them in North of Bandung on Jl. Sukajadi no. 197. Phone +62-22-2044200
  • Ice cream and pastry
  • Food in Bandung does not stop at the restaurants/cafes. There are plenty of bakeries in the city that you can buy some pastries. Some of them have high popularities that you must take a queue even before the shop is open in the morning.


  • Sumber Hidangan, Jl. Braga 20, in the colonial centre of the city. The bakery was opened as Het Snoephuis (The Candy House) in 1929. The interior is still much the same as it was in earlier times. Breads and cookies’ have names in Dutch, such as zwieback, roomsoes, krentenbrood, saucijzenbrood, suiker hagelslaag. Its old-time ambience and original menu attracts tourists and long-time patrons, but the run-down premise and declining sophistication of its foods and services suggest a losing struggle to remain in business. Open daily from 8:30AM-7PM, closed on Sunday.
  • Bawean Bakery, Jl. Bawean 4. Established in 1946, the name was Sweetheart Bakery until they changed it name during the New Order regime. The new name is taken from the shop location in Jalan Bawean. Their specialties are cakes baked using rum; such as nougat rolls, brownies and similar. By using this alcoholic ingredient their cakes taste a bit bitter but they can be kept for up to 6 days.
  • Brussel’s Spring, Jl. Sumatera next to the Exsport Station bag store. Steaks and waffle ice creams are very tasty. The prices range between Rp 20,000-75,000.
  • Kartika Sari, try the famous cake: pisang molen, a cake stuffed with banana. Very delicious.
    There are 6 stores: Jl. Kebon Jukut 3C, Jl. Buah Batu 165A, Jl. H. Akbar, Jl. Kopo Sayati 111A, Jl. Terusan Jakarta 77E, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda (Dago).
  • Brownies Kukus Amanda, Jl. Rancabolang 29, Jl. Lodaya 8, Jl. Purwakarta. Try brownies kukus, steamed brownies with melted chocolate inside. Soft and very delicious. Very popular and people sometimes queue waiting for it to open.
  • Brownies Primarasa, Jl. Kemuning 20, Jl. Buah Batu 169A, and Jl. Peta 169. Speciality is the chocolate brownies.
  • Dunkin Donuts, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 51, ☎ +62 22 4208617. Airport Hussein Sastranegara. American bakery chain with donuts, croissant and sandwiches. Price: approx. US$3/person.
  • Sus Merdeka, Jl. Merdeka (in front of Bandung Indah Plaza). Famous for its Choux/puff pastry with rum butter filling.
  • J.Co Donuts & Coffee, Well known local donut shop with fascinating flavours. Paris Van Java Mall GF, Istana Plaza GF, Bandung Supermall GF, Cihampelas Walk GF.

Ice Cream

  • Braga Permai (formerly Maison Bogerijn), Jl Braga 58. ☎ +62 22 420 1831. Famous ice cream parlor in Bandung.
  • Baskin and Robbins,[34]. Jl Sukajadi 232, ☎ +62 22 203 8457. Jl. RE Martadinata No. 225,☎ +62 22 720 8122. Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 289, ☎ +62 22 910 1404. Istana Plaza, Jl. Pasir Kaliki 121-123, ☎ +62 22 6000403. . Ice cream parlor.
  • Rasa Bakery, At the intersection of Jl. Tamblong & Jl. Asia Afrika. One of the best places for ice cream in Bandung. The traditionally made ice cream. Rp 10,000-20,000.
  • I Scream for Ice Cream, Jl. Hariangbanga.


  • Alcoholic drinks can often be found at bars, night clubs, hotels and 24 hr mini-markets. Drinking fresh icy yogurt or juice is very tempting, especially after spending a day in a hot sun.
  • Yoghurt Cisangkuy, Jl. Cisangkuy (near Gedung Sate complex). It has many flavours of fresh yogurt with fresh fruits. Very suitable as a resting place after walking in the hot weather.
  • Es Cendol Elizabeth, in front of the Elizabeth bag shop at Jl. Otto Iskandar Dinata and Jl. Cihampelas. Cendol is an Indonesian drink made with coconut and coconut milk, served with ice cubes and sweet brown sugar.
  • Bandoengsche Melk Centrale (BMC), Jl. Aceh 30, in an old Dutch colonial house. They specialise in fresh milk beverages.
  • Rumah Kopi, (Coffee house). Jl. Awiligar (near baso Lela). They serve many kinds of coffee.
  • Susu Segar Lembang, at many street vendors in Lembang. It is outside the city, but it would be nice to stop if you do a sidetrip to Lembang.
  • Es Sekoteng Bungsu, Jl. Bungsu 29. Es sekoteng is a grated ice cube with avocado, young coconut and kolang-kaling (some local preserved fruit).

For alcoholic drinks you can buy it in these stores:

  • Dago 34, Jl. Dago no. 34. Located in the heart of Dago.
  • Warung Internasional, Jl. Dago. it located near Dago 34.
  • Taurus, located near Alun-Alun, it’s easy to find.
  • Kopi Aroma, Jl. Banceuy No. 51 (close to Alun-Alun area), ☎ +62 22 4230473 (fax: +62 22 4232648), [35]. Good quality coffee store and factory, in an old district of town. The Robusta coffee beans are stored for 5 years and the Arabica beans for as long as 8 years and sourced from coffee plantations throughout Indonesia. edit
  • Tea Gallery Walini, Jl.Dago, No.92, ☎ +62 22 2502631. 10AM-12midnight. Traditional Sundanese teas in a cosy and relax environment. Rp 8,000-35,000,-.


Central Bandung


  • Chez Bon Hostel, Jalan Braga 45, ☎ +6222 426-0-600, [36]. Clean and comfortable. Free wireless internet. Shared bathrooms. 120 000 IDR.
  • De Hoff Atria Guest House, Located at Jalan Westhoff near Pasirkaliki anad Pajajaran, ☎ +62 22 93198989 / +628161177110, [37]. The surrounding area is quite and leafy. This bugdget guest house is very near to Istana Plaza, Paris Van Java Mall, Cihampelas Walk and also Paskal Hypersquare. Superior room king bed for IDR 200,000.
  • Hunny Hostel, Paskal Hyper Square, blok C, #28, Pasir Kaliki, ☎ +62 85 862 006 722 or +62 22 86060701, [38]. Inside a safe and guarded complex, a short walk from the train station, close to a lot of street food stall, a food court and a lot of local buses (angkots/bemos) this is a truly backpackers place. Managed by a very kind and helpful family that speaks very good english. The dorms and rooms are very clean in a fairly new building. They will provide you a map of Bandung and all indications for the nearby interesting things to see. Free breakfast, free WiFi in the common room, a rooftop terrace to enjoy the chilly nights of Bandung. Mixed dorm, Female dorm and a few rooms. Dorm bed for 100,000 Rp.
  • ZZZ Express, A few hundred meters after Hunny Hostel, same street, ☎ +62 22 96083105 / 87786212, [39]. Another cheap backpackers hostel. Seems slightly less lively than its neighboring competitor Hunny Hostel but offers the same services at the same price and looks slightly newer. Dorm bed for 100,000 Rp.
  • Midrange / Splurge
  • Aston Hotel and Residence Jl. Braga 99-101. ☎ +62 22 8446 0000, (fax:+62 22 8446 0100), [40]. 4 star hotel inside the Braga City Walk.
  • Grand Preanger Jl. Asia-Afrika 81. ☎ toll free 0 800 182-1112 or +62 22 423 1631 (, (fax:+62 22 4231631), [41]. In the Alun-Alun area, the facade has an art-deco style. 5 stars.
  • Panghegar Jl. Merdeka 2. ☎ +62 22 423 2286 ( (fax:+62 22 423 1583) [42]. In the city centre with a revolving restaurant on the roof. 4 Stars.
  • Hilton Bandung Jl. HOS Tjokroaminoto No. 41-43. ☎ +62 22 8606 6888 (fax:+62 22 8606 6999), [43]. 5 stars.
  • Hyatt Regency Bandung, Jl. Sumatera 51. ☎ +62 22 421 1234, ( fax: +62 22 4210380) [44]. 252 rooms and suites in the city centre with Indonesian decor, marble bath, working desk, broadband internet access, daily newspaper, in-room coffee and nightly turndown. Regency Club lounge for free continental breakfast, evening cocktails and canapes. 5 stars.
  • Le’aries Garden Hotel & Amigos Restaurant, The hotel lobby entrance Jl. Cibogo No.11, annex Jl. Terusan Pasteur (200m from Toll Gate). ☎ +62 22 200 7408 (, (fax:+62 22 200 7406). Amigos Bandung is the biggest Mexican restaurant in Indonesia, and one of the largest in South East Asia. It offers authentic Mexican food and decoration. The Le’aries hotel is the only hotel with full citi-garden view. 3 stars.
  • Santika Jl. Sumatera 52-54. ☎ +62 22 420 3009 (, (fax:+62 22 423 9601) [45]. 3 stars.
  • De Riau Motel Jl. Cimanuk 37. ☎ +62 82 11 78910 88, +62 611 77 110 ( [46]. Affordable cheap motel at the city center. In close proximity to Gedung Sate, Geology Museum as well as youngster favourite Factory Outlets.
  • The slick curves of the Savoy Homann
  • Savoy Homann Jl. Asia-Afrika 112. ☎ +62 22 423 2244 ( (fax:+62 22 423 6187) [47]. Bandung’s oldest hotel and one-time host to Charlie Chaplin and Yasser Arafat, among many others. The current building is a striking art-deco work from the 1930s. Getting a little long in tooth. Renovated in 2007. 4 stars.
  • Vue Palace Hotel Jl. Otto Iskandardinata no.3. ☎ +62 22 426 6288 ( 4 stars.

North Bandung / Dago / Jl. H. Juanda

  • Bumi Sawunggaling Hotel, Jl. Sawunggaling No.13, ☎ +62 22 421 8254, [48]. All rooms have A/C, cableTV, and mini-bar. Business centre, spa, wifi and travel services. From Rp 320,000.
  • The Palais Dago Hotel, Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda No. 90, ☎ +62 22 250 5111, [49]. Boutique hotel with well appointed rooms, bar, cafe and resto, meeting room and business centre. From Rp 1,000,000.
  • Holiday Inn, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda (Dago) 31-33. ☎ +62 22 421 1333 ( (fax:+62 22 4216666) [50]. Lower Dago area. 4 Stars.
  • Aston Primera Pasteur, Jl. Dr. Junjunan 96. ☎ +62 22 206 0123 (fax:+62 22 206 0124) [51]. Hotel & conference centre. 4 stars.
  • The Luxton, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda (Dago) 18. ☎ +62 22 4220 700, (fax +62 22 4220 600) [52]. 4 stars.
  • Sheraton Inn Jl. Ir. H. Juanda (Dago) 390. ☎ +62 22 250 0303 (fax:+62 22 250 0301) [53]. Upper Dago area, close to the dago golf centre. 5 stars.
  • Jayakarta Jl. Ir. H. Juanda (Dago) 381A,. ☎ +62 22 250 5888 ( (fax:+62 22 250 5388) [54]. Upper Dago area. 4 stars.
  • De Bukit Dago Jl. Bukit Pakar Timur IV/D6 (Dago). ☎ +62 22 93 19 8989, +62 82 11 78910 88. ( (fax:+62 22 4207950), [55]. A villa/guest house in the Dago hill area with Bandung city views.
  • Patra Jasa, Patra Jasa. Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 132. ☎ +62 22 250 4664. (fax:+62 22 250 4995). Close to Bandung Institute of Technology. 2 stars.
  • Geulis, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda no. 129. ☎ +62 22 250 7777, +62 22 250 3600. (fax:+62 22 250 3086). 3 stars.
  • Marbella Dago Pakar, Komplek Resort Dago Pakar, Desa Ciburial Kecamatan Cimenyan. 5 stars.
  • Garden Permata, Jl. Lemahneundeut no. 7. ☎ +62 22 201 1000. 4 stars.
  • GH Universal, Jl. Setiabudhi 376. ☎ +62 22 2010388. 5 stars.
  • Dago Guest House Jl. Bukit Dago Selatan 53B, Dago. (Located in the West Java Art & Culture Complex (Kompleks Taman Budaya Propinsi Jawa Barat)). ☎ +62 22 250 7050, (fax:+62 22 250 7030), (, [56]. Private bathroom with shower, A/C, cableTV. Book online for cheaper rates. Free airport pickup, internet.
  • Tamara Guest House Jl. Wira Angun-Angun No.46. ☎ +62 22 420 4442, [57], ( Guesthouse with single, twin, and triple bedrooms, with private bathroom, western appliances and hot water; Free continental breakfast, internet access, cableTV in common room, trilingual host; English, Dutch, Indonesia. Taxi, tour, and car rental can be arranged.
  • De Villa Kompleks Villa Istana Bunga, Villa keluarga. North Bandung, Parongpong – Cisarua. ☎ +62 22 93 19 8989, +62 82 11 78910 88 (, (fax:+62 22 426 0799), [58]. Spacious garden, 24 hr private security, public swimming pool, basketball and tennis court. Bandung city view and scenery view.


  • The Padma Bandung Jl. Ranca Bentang 56-58. ☎ +62 22 203 0333, ( (fax:+62 22 2030633) [59]. 5 star with view to the northern hills, swimming pool.
  • De Bale Townhouse (Kompleks Bale Pakuan Town house) ,Jl. Cimbuleuit 197. ☎ +62 611 77 110, +62 22 93 19 8989 [60]. Newly built town house with modern architecture.


  • Novotel Bandung Jalan Cihampelas No 23. ☎ +62 22 421 1001, (fax:+62 22 4212999), ([61]. 4 star hotel.
  • Aston Tropicana Hotel Jalan Cihampelas no. 125-129. ☎ +62 22 203 0101. ( 5 star.
  • Sensa Hotel Bandung, Jl Cihampelas No 160., ☎ +62 22 206 1111, [62]. 5 star. Connected to the ‘Cihampelas Walk’, boulevard-style shopping mall.
  • Villa Puncrut, Jl. Bukit Raya Timur No. 504, Ciumbeleuit., ☎ +62 812 1301 6022 (, [63].
  • Cihampelas Hotel, Jln. Cihampelas No 222 and 240., ☎ +62 22 203 3425, [64]. 15 A/C rooms, all with internet, cableTV, coffee/tea maker, and a private bathroom with shower and bathtub.
  • Daarul Jannah Cottage, Jln. Gegerkalong Girang No 67., ☎ +62 22 200 7955, [65]. 15 A/C rooms, all with Internet, coffee/tea maker, and a private bathroom with shower.
  • Hotel Nalendra Bandung, Jl. Cihampelas 225-227., ☎ +62 22 203 4000. 91 room 3 star hotel in 3 types ( standard, deluxe & suite ). A/C, TV, hot water, cafe, mini-bar, massage, swimming pool, free internet in lobby area, free pick up & drop to airport & train station, breakfast for 2 person. From Rp 530,000.


  • House Indonesia, Jl. Sangkuriang No. 1, Bandung, ☎ +6222 8783 2323. (,
  • Villa Roberni Villa Istana Bunga, V3 North Bandung, Parongpong. ☎ +62 22 278 9443, +62 82126580828 (, (fax:+62 22 278 9443).
  • the Santorini Villa Villa Istana Bunga, W.8 North Bandung, Parongpong. ☎ +62 22 278 9443, +62 82126580828 (, (fax:+62 22 278 9443).
  • Villa Damar, Jl. Damar no.7, Jawa Barat, ☎ +62 21 2041361. Deluxe, Junior Suite and Garden Suite, all equipped with Air-conditioning, Flat-screen TV and Refrigerator. Facilities and services are Spa & wellness centre, Restaurant and coffee shop. From USD 64.00.
  • Jadul Village Resort & Spa, Terusan Sersan Bajuri 45 Cihideung, ☎ +62-22-2785544, checkin: 02:00 PM; checkout: 12:00 PM. Jadul Village Resort & Spa offers rooms equipped with safe and TV. Some of its facilities and services are restaurant, cafe, meeting room, spa, buggy service, bar and lounge. Rates start at 1,000,000.00 IDR.
  • The Imperium International Hotel, Jl. Dr Rum 30-32, ☎ +62 22 420 2244, A/C, cableTV, mini-bar, and a coffee/tea maker. Club Music Room, a sport centre, and a swimming pool. From US$45.
  • Cassadua Hotel, Jl Cassa no. 2, ☎ +62 22 200 582, Balcony, terrace, cableTV, internet, private toilet and bath. Fitness room/gym, restaurant, bar, meeting rooms, airport transfer, room service and wake-up call. From Rp 225,000.00.
  • Hotel Jelita Parahyangan, Jl. Pasirkaliki 61, ☎ +62 22 603 1133, A/C rooms, all with private toilet and bath, cableTV, mini-home theater, and balcony/terrace. Airport and city transfers, cafe, and laundry services. From Rp 198,000.
  • Ahadiat Hotel & Bungalow, Jl. Sindang Sirna Elok No.9, ☎ +62 22 2005870. Rooms and suites with A/C, cableTV, private toilet and shower with bathtub. Outdoor swimming pool, massage service, and wifi. From Rp 375,000.
  • Ottenville Boutique Hotel, Jln Dr Otten no 6, ☎ +62 22 423 4518, A/C rooms, all with a toilet and bath with hot/cold shower, flat-screen satellite TV, and coffee/tea maker/mini-bar. From Rp 348,000.00. edit
  • Hotel Talagasari Permai, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 269-275. (North Bandung, close to Lembang and Tangkuban Perahu), ☎ +62 22 2012632. checkin: 7AM; checkout: 12 noon. A/C rooms , TV, bathroom with shower and bathtub, swimming pool, karaoke. Sundanese, European and Chinese restaurant, free breakfast for 2 persons. Discount 50% promo until 31 Aug, 2011 & 1 night free for 10 stays in 3 months. From Rp 280,000 nett. edit
  • Topas Galeria Hotel, Jl. Dr. Djunjunan No. 153, ☎ +62 22 602 0550, A/C rooms, all with cableTV, internet connection and a mini-bar. Room service, massage service, and airport/city transfer. From Rp 600,000. edit
  • Hotel Mitra ,Jl. WR. Supratman No.98. ☎ +62 22 720 7245. (fax:+62 22 721 8304), 3 stars.
  • Arion Swiss Bellhotel (formerly Citra Cikopo), Jl. Otto Iskandardinata no. 16. ☎ +62 22 424 0000. (fax:+62 22 426 6270). 4 stars.
  • Grand Aquila Jl. Dr. Djundjunan (Terusan Pasteur) 11. ☎ +62 22 203 9280, (fax:+62 22 2039282),  ( Nearby the Pasteur toll gate. 5 stars.
  • Papandayan Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto 83. ☎ +62 22 731 0799 (, (fax:+62 22 7310988),  4 stars.
  • Horison Bandung Jl. Pelajar Pejuang 121. ☎ +62 22 730 5000 (, (fax:+62 22 731 0993), 4 star in the residential Buah Batu area.


Tourism offices

  • Dinas Pariwisata Kota Bandung: JL. Ahmad Yani No. 227, ☎ +62 22 7210768. [81].
  • Jl. Stasiun Timur No. 1, ☎ +62 22 421 6648.


  • Ambulance: 118.
  • Masada Ambulance : 022 91663284

Police: 110.

  • West Java Police HQ (Polda Jawa Barat) : Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 748, ☎ +62 22 7806392.

Police Stations

  • Greater Bandung (Polwiltabes Bandung), Jl. Merdeka
  • West Bandung (Polresta Bandung Barat), Jl. Sukajadi No. 141A, ☎ +62 22 203 1615.
  • East Bandung (Polresta Bandung Timur), Jl. AH. Nasution No. 21, ☎ +62 22 7805981.
  • Central Bandung (Polresta Bandung Tengah), Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani No. 282, ☎ +62 22 7200058, +62 22 7271115.
  • Bandung (Polres Bandung), Soreang.
  • Cimahi (Polres Cimahi), Jl. Raya Cibabat,☎ +62 22 2031181.


  • Royal Netherlands Honorary Consulate, Jl. Dayang Sumbi No. 3, ☎ +62 22 250
  • 6195, (fax: +62 22 2506197)
  • France Consular Agency, Jl. Purnawarman No. 32, ☎ +62 22 4212417, (fax: +62 22 4207877
  • Hungary Honorary Consulate, Jl. Padasaluyu Utara II No. 3, ☎ +62 22 2010354, (fax:
  • +62 22 2014407)
  • Poland Honorary Consulate, Jl. Bukit Pakar Utara No. 75, ☎ +62 22 2503765.
  • Hospitals with 24 hour emergency rooms
  • RS Umum Pusat Dr Hasan Sadikin, JI. Pasteur No 38, ☎ +62 22 2034953.
  • RS Santo Borromeus, JI. Ir. H Juanda No 100, ☎ +62 22 250 4041, +62 22 2552000
  • RS Rajawali: Jl Rajawali 38. ☎ +62 22 6011913
  • RS Advent Bandung, JI. Cihampelas No 161. ☎ +62 22 2034386.
  • RS Immanuel Bandung, JI. Kopo No 161. ☎ +62 22 5001656.
  • RS Santo Yusup Bandung: Jl Cikutra No.7. ☎ +62 22 7208172.
  • RS Muhammadiyah Bandung: Jl. KH Ahmad Dahlan No.53. ☎ +62 22 7301062.
  • Santosa Bandung International Hospital: Jl. Kebonjati No.38. ☎ +62 22 4248555.
  • RS Kebonjati : Jl. Kebonjati No. 152.
  • RS Advent : Jl. Cihampelas No. 161.
  • RS Al Islam Bandung : Jl. Sukarno Hatta No. 644.

 Get Out

There are some sidetrips to the mountain range surrounding Bandung:

  • North: mount Tangkuban Perahu. Lembang is a favourite weekend break destination at the base of the mountain with hiking trail and active volcanic crater. You can stay at Sari Ater , a natural hot spring water complex, or rent a villa. In the vicinity, Maribaya park offers a wonderful waterfall traps.
    • South: tea plantations. Ciwidey & Pangalengan are the main destination to the south mountains. Situ Patenggang lake in the middle of tea plantation in Ciwidey offers a relaxing time in a boat, fishing, camping or in a bungalow. A few kilometers from the lake is Kawah Putih (white crater), made by sulfuric activity in the area with a camping park, called Ranca Upas. The area is frequently use as pre-wedding photography area. Entrance fee: Rp 150,000/car or Rp 5,000/motorcycle plus Rp 16,000 per person. Significant different entrance fee between car and motorcycle due to Forestry Administration discourage of using cars.
    • West: chalk mountain range. There are not many nature destinations in the west, except Situ Ciburuy lake at the side of the main road hub to Cianjur and the Saguling dam. You might also want to taste peuyeum, a local food made from fermented cassava. If you are hungry, there are plenty of good Sundanese restaurants in the vicinity, because the road (non toll) to the west is the main hub between Bandung and Jakarta through Puncak.
    • East: a link of Bandung to the eastern part of West Java and to neighbouring Central Java province. You can go to Sumedang, famous for their tahu sumedang fried tofu, on road to Cirebon (about 2-3 hr), a coastal city known for fishing and oil industries. To the southeast you can go to Garut (about 1-2 hour), a resort city in the valley of mountain, and visit 8th century Hindu temple Candi Cangkuang. The city also well known for its dodol snack. Further Southeast is the Pangandaran beach, facing Southern Java coast Indian Ocean.

View of Kawah Putih (White Crater)
View of Kawah Putih (White Crater)